Playgroup in Xindian, Things to do on rainy days

Hello there!

I am desperately looking for some nice places I can take my two-year old on rainy days. I have heard of some places but they all seem to be in the city and further north :s , to get there is quite difficult for me since I don’t have a car… On the other hand: is it worth taking the trip to playland?
I am also looking for an afternoon playgroup in Xindian (I live in Tang Quan), because I really feel sorry for my son, he always has to spend most of his time with me, I mean, I play with him a lot but I think he should be together with more kids of his age.

So if anyone is interested in a playgroup in Xindian or has good ideas to take kids to, please please contact me!!


Is the trip worth it to PlaySPACE? Yes.

There are families from Xindian who are on our playgroup mailing list. If you really want playmates for your son you might have to make it happen yourself. Our mailing list is large but we are spread all over… Muzha, Xindian, Beitou, Danshui, Xizhi, Neihu, Tianmu, Jingmei, Chungho, Nankang off the top of my head. We’ve even had people come from Xinzhu for some of our special events. I can think of a few people in your area who might be interested in setting up a playgroup. I’ll try to put you in touch.


I just PM’d you with contact information for three families in your area. Have fun!