Playing golf?

hi all,

does anyone here, (who lives in Taiwan), play golf? if so, where do you play and how much do you pay for it?



there are various courses in and around taiwan. most of them that i have seen have been kept in great condition. however, the prices range from high to exhorbitant compared to what i used to pay in and around vancouver.

expect to pay $3500 to $6000 NT per round, with rentals etc, all costing extra.

Are there many public golf coursesn that one can go to (without having to be a member or having to be signed in by a member).


Most of the courses here are not exclusive to members. There are benefits (like reduced greens fees), but I don’t think many could survive if they were exclusive to members and guests of members. The thing to watch out for is fees for the “extras” (whether you use them or not) like a caddy fee (required at most courses), shower room, etc. Also, Driving Ranges can vary widely in price, so it may pay to shop around.

Weekend prices range from $840NT at Banciao’s hospital course to $6000NT + at resorts such as Dashi. On an average course, expect to pay $3000 - 3500NT for green fee plus caddy on the weekend unless you have discount tickets or have booked through an agency. Agency prices are approx $1000NT less than regular.

Always ask for the full price not just the green fee when asking for a quote.

There are a few courses in the Danshui area, plenty in the Linkou area and many others not too far off highways 1 and 3 as you travel south from Taipei.

Many of the courses have discounts if you tee-off early on weekdays. The cut-off time is usually 9am but sometimes 8:30 or 8am. The course I usually play at costs NT$3,500 on weekends, NT$2,700 on weekdays but NT$2,100 if you’ve checked in before 9am. That’s Tatun Golf Course in Danshui and those prices are for non-members and include the caddie, use of a locker and the showers etc.

As the other posters have mentioned there’s a wide range of prices and deals at other courses.

Oh, by the way, my playing partner once asked about membership and we were told there is a waiting list and that the only membership that Tatun sells is lifetime. It costs around NT$950,000.