Please help - forest schools

Thank you so much. It looks really good, so that’s three schools I have to phone on Monday.

You’ve all been so helpful, I really appreciate it. :bow:

The elementary school on the way to Yangming-shan Park is called “Hu-san” Elementary school. Our daughter is attending their kindergarten division. Each grade level has only 20-22 students, unlike other average public school here in Taipei. (Usually 40+ in one home room class and each grade has 10 or more home room classes) It is really in the middle of mountain and absolutely beautiful. They do hiking trips and other nature friendly activities. My wife and I have moved from Seattle area last summer. My wife and my daughter’s Mandarin is perfect, while I am just picking up. We were looking for many options for our daughter’s kindergarten (English only, Mandarin only, Japanese only, and all combination possible). But when my wife found this place and when we visited, we immediately fell love with the school. We live in Beitou district, so from our house, it is 10 minute drive. There are small shuttle buses provided by the school to Tienmu district where most of foreigner resides and also to Beitou district.

Good luck!

[quote=“fkajima”]The elementary school on the way to Yangming-shan Park is called “Hu-san” Elementary school. Our daughter is attending their kindergarten division. Each grade level has only 20-22 students, unlike other average public school here in Taipei. (Usually 40+ in one home room class and each grade has 10 or more home room classes) It is really in the middle of mountain and absolutely beautiful. They do hiking trips and other nature friendly activities. My wife and I have moved from Seattle area last summer. My wife and my daughter’s Mandarin is perfect, while I am just picking up. We were looking for many options for our daughter’s kindergarten (English only, Mandarin only, Japanese only, and all combination possible). But when my wife found this place and when we visited, we immediately fell love with the school. We live in Beitou district, so from our house, it is 10 minute drive. There are small shuttle buses provided by the school to Tianmu district where most of foreigner resides and also to Beitou district.

Good luck![/quote]

Thank you, that’s very kind of you to post.

I have a feeling this may be the school that our original school contacted when they said they had no places, and found that this school had no places either. However, it’d definitely worth pursuing as it sounds great. I don’t suppose you have any contact details?

Sorry, I have not been checking this particular blog posting. But here is the school’s website address.

I hope that you can visit the campus. If you have visited a typical public school in Taipei area (any of hundred schools), you will see that this Hu-shan elementary school is like in precious wonderland.

Thanks you fkajima. We’ll definitely pay this school a visit when we arrive in Taipei. It looks wonderful.