Pokemon Go Taiwan discussion

Was it during rush hour? Pokemon Go might be a cure for road rage caused by slow traffic or traffic jams.

It would be nicer if the game connected people to the city or each other somehow.

I don’t play.In that I dislike games.

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Not like 307 was the wealthiest bus line in the city already.

Well, what’s nice is you pay at most 60NT if you go from one end of the line to the other and back.

Niantics claims pokemon Go is only about 30% complete. They are planning to roll out new features such as trading and PvP down the road. I’m not sure how well it can connect people, but if they achieve anything close to their last game, Ingress, then it truly can connect people.

Pokemon Go’s Poke Stops and Gyms are borrowed directly from Ingress portals, which are painfully submitted by individual players and had to go through a long approval period. This process enabled players to discover parts of their surroundings worth becoming a portal, which has to be a permanent artwork or landmark.

Me occupying a gym, which is an Ingress portal I submitted…

Ingress also requires a lot of team work. The goal is occupying 2 or more portals, and have enough portal keys to surround an area as large as possible which disables rival activities in the area. To form an area, a play needs to have at least 2 portal keys of each portal, that means repeated visits, or teamwork.

The area in the form of a triangle can be as large as you like, provided it’s not blocked by rival lines.

A day that made the Taiwan Resistance (Blue team) very miserable… As they pretty much couldn’t do anything until someone took out one of the three portals.

Teams also work together to do art on maps.

To do that, people need to coordinate, even across factions. All Ingress players are instructed to stay connected via Google plus groups, hangout, or line when they sign up. It forms a tight connection amongst avid players.

If Niantic can reproduce the need for team work in Pokemon Go, maybe we will see more people connecting, instead of crowding the sidewalk and not talking to one another.

I have to agree. The game in TW is nowhere as social as it is in the states. I believe most of the players are playing because of the band wagon effect, more than half of them did not grow up watching the anime or playing the GB games.

If PvP is on the horizon, that will give me more reason to train and level up. I’m currently having mixed feelings about continually playing because of the lack of…goals.

In the few weeks it’s been out, we’ve spoken to one guy and that was because my niece kept yelling “LOOK A LION A LION!” (at a Growlithe) and the dude next to us heard and told her, “It’s a dog”.

I wasn’t offended, but was surprised someone actually lifted up their head and interacted with us.

the good thing about Pokemon Go is that it is now really easy to work out who not to hang around with.

lol please elaborate!

It sounds as if he is suggesting that people who play Pokemon Go are not worth being friends with. Kind of shallow. No?

Why don’t they get a real hobby? Interact with real things instead of with imaginary avatars? Spend time on constructive rather than onanistic pursuits?

You know, like Dungeons and Dragons. Or watching porn.

You will find Taiwan a lonely place to stay if your requirement for friendship is that they do not play Pokemon Go.

The good news is we might become good buddies! You did mention watching porn. :grin::grin::grin::smile::innocent:

“Onanistic,” I haven’t heard that word before so I had to look it up. Thanks for adding to my vocab!

Was D&D as big as Pokemon Go when it first came out?

i live in Japan now, where the density of Pokemon Go players is thankfully a little lower, and they seem to be a bit less sheepish (in the mouthbreathing sense of the word that seems so appropriate in Taiwan). And I think in general Japanese tend to be much more aware of the effects of their actions on their surroundings, so they are less likely to get run over or walk off a cliff.

plenty of friends here to surf with, sail with, ski with, ride with, watch porn with, who do not play Pokemon Go.

Nowhere near the hype! but that was pre-Internet, back in 1980 or so. Ah, the days of me youth, lusting over an imagined succubus.

Good for you! Here in Taiwan, people who don’t play Pokemon Go is a rarity. Extinction is inevitable.

D&D is a real hobby? It’s just a game as well… And if porn isn’t an onanistic pursuit…well… just saying

Um, at least a dash each of both sarcasm and humour are usually required to enjoy my posts more fully.

Mostly because i generally talk crap.


I don’t think they recognize you without the Seung-yeon gif, urodacus.

If I had the power, I would allow gif as avatars just to see that pretty face every time I posted.

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You guys still playing Pokemon Go? Every time I think the hype has died down, I turn the corner and see about 30-40 people in the local park with their phones.

Ingress hasn’t died down yet, and that game has been around since 2013