Police killing of Ma’Khia Bryant

Well, no. If guns are going to be widely, legally available, the sensible thing would be that police need to learn to chill the fuck out about guns. If that’s something that doesn’t seem possible, it seems it should be logical that we need to reexamine the availability of guns.

If guns are freely available, everyone is a potential killer. Police need to treat people in that way. No other option is going to provide enough safe outcomes.

This we can agree on.

You can’t have a situation where a criminal will act with a gun and the police will wave a hand and use a steady voice. Violence begets violence.current situation is lose lose lose. No ones a winner. America needs to creat a system where the community wins. Police will be safe from gun violence, community will be safe from gun violence and criminals will not be safe.

In all of these situations that are happening we need to understand what police face each day.

Please explain!

The other option ends with an innocent persons death. The person acting in a criminal manner died. The least worst outcomes.


There cannot be a “least worst” “outcomes”. There is only one “worst”.

possible, but superfluous



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If this is meant literally, this is one of the funniest things I have read, ever.

How do you learn to chill out about a ranged lethal weapon , that is easily concealed, and is widely available?


Yes the irony is thick.

People could learn to chill out about cops :thinking:

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Maybe they should start by chilling out about phones

Nice sentiment but it doesn’t address the breadth of the issue.

If I’m carrying a gun, it’s as legal as me carrying a pack of gum, and the police should treat me that way.

People are chill around guns all the time, when they don’t expect the people carrying to be criminals. The problem is police treat a large segment of the population as criminals, which gets ratcheted up even more when they have guns.

It just may be. But it still is a threat. And police deal with criminals. It’s their job. If you interact with police there is a reason.

The average Joe going about their business does not interact with the police.

Anyway the mental gymnastics is enough for Sunday.

Reading comprehension, holy phok

I read this one.
But the headlines (both headlines very similar and calculated to get a reaction ) didn’t mention he said he was looking for a gun and was going to kill his brother.


The dispatcher asks Brown whether he has a gun, to which he says both yes and no, according to the transcript of the call that accompanied the sheriff’s office video. Moments later Brown tells the dispatcher he is outside, walking down the road, when sirens are heard in the background.

It’s an insult to compare her justified shooting with the unjustified police brutality that killed George Floyd and Eric Garner. They’re not even in the same ballpark.

As Bill Maher said: “Black lives matter, but which one? Her’s or the person she was about to stab?”

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Well, the folks who buy this monolithic WE in the BLM movement best reign this kind of narrative in lest people actually start looking at each police involved shooting death on a case by case basis. :doh: