Poll: Do you appreciate Family Mart/7-11's being clean and safe?

  • I do appreciate Family and 7’s (Taiwan) are safe and clean
  • I do appreciate NOT Family and 7’s (Taiwan) are safe and clean
  • My local store is not safe
  • My local store is not clean
  • My local store is clean

0 voters

After seeing this video (a gun fight between store guests and not a robbery) I appreciate Family Mart/7’s being clean and safe a lot today, after sometimes not thing about it. Do others think about this much?

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In my local 7-11, we need to watch out for late night fights between international students and local gangsters. Something about chatting inappropriately with someone’s girlfriend . . . It was not a great situation.



When I first got here I was quite surprised by the lack of driver by shootings.

Probably a fight over the Ibon machine.


No, being from Europe, I don’t consider the safety of Taiwan particularly outstanding. Maybe a bit less petty theft and more gang-related violence depending on which area one is from.

Only for some people from the US, it seems that the lack of daily shootouts is something spectacular about Taiwan’s safety…


I do think Taiwan in general is a lot more safe. Cleanliness depends on location just like the states though.


In America, 7-11’s are typically only found in shadier parts of the city. This being in Chicago is even less surprising.

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How sad is that? I clicked before reading. thinking how the F could that happen in taiwan. Kind of shocked. When i opened it and saw California (wasnt Chicago) my mind literally went meh, sounds about right. How sad is that level of desensitized reaction…

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So glad there are not many guns in TW! Also I think people in Taiwan tend to fight less. (I said less, not none)

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Sevvy’s here don’t have that odd smell of slurpee, piss and cleaning fluid. There’s also a noticeable lack of humans hanging around outside who look as though they are undecided whether to mooch change or stab you depending on their meth dosage.


I wouldn’t be too happy to see this poll if I was the owner of Hi-Life or Circle K.

Hi-Life has upped their game, at least in central Taipei City.

Circle K . . . let’s just say it occupies a different tier in the market. :neutral_face:


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’ … a 7-Eleven store in Southern California’

Safe and clean is nice, but the main problem with those convenience stores is that they sell unhealthy garbage at inflated prices. The only reason I usually go there is to pay my bills.


Honestly when it comes to cleanliness, I love noticed that it depends on each store. I appreciate when they are clean and quiet, but not every store is.

Hi life seems to be the least clean of the convenience stores from what I’ve seen.


That’s true, definitely expensive. I like monster energy (I know it’s bad for me) but it’s 60 for a can half the size of what you get in America. It’s crazy.

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Usually FamilyMart has less employees than 7-11 to service people.




I might go there once in a while to get a bottle of clean and safe water, though.

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That’s a really weird question. Would anyone not appreciate anything being clean and safe? Who likes dirty and dangerous?