What is the main language spoken with your Taiwanese spouse or partner, chinese or english?
A balanced mixture of english and chinese
Hi all,
I am curious to see how many people on the forum have a same situation as myself. I met my partner in Australia during her studies and naturally spoke to her in english. Now we are living in Taiwan, I’ve found we are still speaking english as the main source of our communication at home. Is this the same for others?
Please take the poll to see what result we get or comments about this.
We mainly speak Mandarin. Chinese is a written language. Your poll also excludes the possibility that some people might speak Taiwanese.
I would think it would be perfectly natural for you to keep speaking the language you started out with together. Anyway, you don’t want to learn Mandarin from your partner–you’ll most likely end up speaking your own private language (and one that may be highly feminized at that).
or something to that effect is how my missus and I communicate… We both know all the the English/Chinese words that we interchange, it’s not due to linguistic incompetance, it’s just a bizarre combination of words that “work better” in Chinese than English of vice versa… That said I am making a conscious effort to keep it one or the other these days…
[quote=“plasmatron”]“Hey…我問妳一個question, 妳跟dentist約機點的appointment? 我剛看了我的schedule好像下午的meeting被cancel掉了. 如果改成早一點的你認為O不OK…”[/quote]:roflmao: Your wife does that too? :roflmao: Cracks me up.
I also tend to try not to encourage her in this by speaking either Mandarin or English and keeping them distinct. I do more Mandarin is the normal flow of things, but switch to English when in a bad mood, and for arguments. Sure, using my native tongue is an unfair advantage for me, but so is being female for her.
I am curious to see how many people on the forum have a same situation as myself. I met my partner in Australia during her studies and naturally spoke to her in English. Now we are living in Taiwan, I’ve found we are still speaking English as the main source of our communication at home. Is this the same for others?
Please take the poll to see what result we get or comments about this.[/quote]
My girlfriend speaks both english and mandarin better then me (and even spanish). She insists that we speak only in English cuz thats the language shes most comfortable in. Shes a foreign educated Taiwanese girl.
[quote=“redwagon”][quote=“plasmatron”]“Hey…我問妳一個question, 妳跟dentist約機點的appointment? 我剛看了我的schedule好像下午的meeting被cancel掉了. 如果改成早一點的你認為O不OK…”[/quote]:roflmao: Your wife does that too? :roflmao: Cracks me up.
I also tend to try not to encourage her in this by speaking either Mandarin or English and keeping them distinct. I do more Mandarin is the normal flow of things, but switch to English when in a bad mood, and for arguments. Sure, using my native tongue is an unfair advantage for me, but so is being female for her. [/quote]
I love it when Taiwanese talk like this cause all the English words get stretched out and it gives you time to think. Plus it’s cute when girls do it.
[quote=“redwagon”][quote=“plasmatron”]“Hey…我問妳一個question, 妳跟dentist約機點的appointment? 我剛看了我的schedule好像下午的meeting被cancel掉了. 如果改成早一點的你認為O不OK…”[/quote]:roflmao: Your wife does that too? :roflmao: Cracks me up.
I also tend to try not to encourage her in this by speaking either Mandarin or English and keeping them distinct. I do more Mandarin is the normal flow of things, but switch to English when in a bad mood, and for arguments. Sure, using my native tongue is an unfair advantage for me, but so is being female for her. [/quote]
We do that too…but when I hear people do it on the street or work, it sound so pretentious. When things get ugly in our house its Mandarin.
My wife used to hang around with Hong Kong friends when studying in Australia. She now speaks fluent english, mandarin, hakka and cantonese and I’ve only got english and a struggling mandarin.