Pope Francis closes the door on the death penalty


Is that not pretty much the current standard for criminal offenses?

Not sure in the USA it is…only “beyond reasonable doubt”

Which seems like 100% to me.

not to me

Pretty sure that was the poop’s intent.

All of this is only a problem for those who believe some old guy in a funny hat speaks for God.

In other words, a subset - probably a large one, but Im not sure - of professing Catholics.

The death penalty is inadmissible, and Catholics should work for its abolition.

You’d think a religion founded by an innocent victim of the death penalty would have figured this one out long ago.

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It seems the Pope doesn’t like that much either:

Today Pope Francis also condemned life imprisonment, which he calls a “secret death penalty.” George Williams, S.J., who served for many years as a Catholic chaplain at San Quentin Prison in California and worked with inmates on death row, praised the pope’s stance, saying,

In nearly 30 years of prison ministry, I have witnessed the soul-killing damage caused by sentencing men and women to life in prison without the possibility of parole. I believe it is crueler to sentence someone to prison with no hope of ever getting out than it would be to execute them outright. Executions kill the body, but life without parole kills the human spirit.

Cool, I’m all for prison reform.
FYI life in prison for Canada is 20 years max.
There’s an exception for violent offenders but it’s rarely used. Reserved for a few serial killers.

Give him an an inch…

Canada, the country where locking up a mass murderer + terrorist for 50 years without parole is “cruel and unusual”, but 40 somehow is spot-on. :rainbow: :cactus: :cloud_with_lightning:

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The problem is the red tape then.
Not the death penalty.

Or, as Trump recommended and Duterte implements, just have the cops carry out executions on the street of anybody they feel is a bad guy.

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The solution is simple. Don’t kill them or put them in cages. Put them in camps where they can live a semblance of a normal life but without freedom to roam. Getting out would be very difficult if not impossible for anyone who’d committed a serious crime but being in wouldn’t be so bad.

I wouldn’t call appeals to be sure a person isn’t wrongly convicted red tape, especially in a death penalty case.

Thought about this today. Ten years should be max. If you cant work out what went wrong on ten with empathy, education, therapy and strategy help, then you die. Simple. We have no obligation to cherish every human life. Consider it a late term abortion.

Americans are vengeful by nature. Look at how much prison time they hand out regularly for nothing. Let alone anything violent like rape or robbery.

America has more people in prison than any other country in the world.

I think this has more to do with the punitive system being big business rather than vengefulness.

Capitalism FTW!

The only way would be to phase out sending inmates to private prisons and end this for profit incarceration cycle where the goal is to keep them locked up as long as possible instead of rehabilitating offenders.

I mean it just seems like the American government doesn’t care about the people at all. They only care about enforcing the will of the small number of extremely rich people.