YES, I have the guts to show who I am. Nothing to hide
NO, I prefer to remain face-less for whatever reason.
Neither YES or NO.
I have a thought…
When walking down the streets, I often wonder if that other foreigner I see would be a Forumosian. Some like me or you never attend happy hours or other social gatherings as too busy or maybe not really interested. But on the other hand, curious to know who we all are, and which nice or ugly face is hiding behind the Avatar.
So, I was wondering, why could we not all, for a few days only, show ourselves?
Would that be too much asked for as most of us prefer to remain shallow on this site, or is the majority keen to show their face for once ?
I think it is wiser to organize a poll to see what the expected acceptance would be before proposing a “show-yourself” period replacing your Avatar.
Me think that there is no harm posting ourselves as it could bring this community even closer. So, what do you all think?
I meet the people I talk to at HHs. I’m not hiding. But I do also have a ‘professional’ self that I don’t necessarily want associated with some of the garbage I write. My students could legitimately claim a full refund on the basis that their teacher is an idiot and use forumosa as proof.
I’ve put my picture up several times in the past, I’m in the Yingge video, and people can meet me at HH. That’s enough exposure for me. I’m not hiding, but neither do I particularly want my ugly mug up as my avatar for any length of time. On the other hand, if everyone wants to, I might play lemming… I just asked da babe, and she said ok for hers too. So I answered in the middle.
Surely if people wanted to identify themselves they would use their real names and put their pics in place of avatars anyway?
And who wants to have 914 recognising them on the street and coming over to pick them up and dangle them upside down just for fun? Or Buttercup knowing that it was you she snogged at Luxy on Saturday night after snorting Lemsip all afternoon?
I like my privacy and the anonymity of the 'net. Why should it be any different here on And Buttercup was snorting Lemsip, was she? I thought she just had fizzy snot.