
Kevin Rose, famous for Digg.com has founded a new social network website. Currently it is in beta and the only way to get in is an invite. I currently have 5 invites to give out, so if you want one, send me a PM with your email address.



4 left now.

I still waiting for a social networking site for people without friends.

You’re posting on it!


Join up and I’ll be your friend. It’s automatic, so I have no choice!

If you’re really interested, I have the domain ‘nobuddy.com’ which would be perfect for that type of site.

If you’re really interested, I have the domain ‘nobuddy.com’ which would be perfect for that type of site.[/quote]

Bada bing Bada boom.

I don’t see any difference to email or messenger. Please clue me in on what the advantage is.

Ha ha Jlick.

I thought you were joking. :roflmao:

I have 10 more invites to give out. Any takers?