Practical Audio-visual Chinese 2


Page 78 “please correct the sentences below and explain the source of error”

他一邊生病了, 還一邊工作 (生病 is not an action and can not be used in this pattern) changes to 他生病了, 邊工作

So how about: 張先生總是一邊坐飛機 , 一邊看書. This has got me going, since sitting on the plan is an action and reading too. My Taiwanese colleague suggested 坐上, but she even thinks this is wrong!

I guess at 張先生坐在飛機 , 一邊看書

Anyone know for sure? Please let me know the reason why.


大笨豬 :smiley:

You’d like us to (a) club you? Umm ok. Why not. I have some agression to release.

And about your question, with this pattern you need to use two continues actions. Obviously once you have sat down, that’s it. This motion of sitting down ends quickly and you are left without “an action”. Getitgetit?

:blush: 4am woke up realised I’d written 棒instead of 幫. Don’t you hate that!

So I could say that I was reading and listening to music, but not reading and sitting, right?


L :smiley:

[quote=“Limey”]:oops: 4am woke up realised I’d written 棒instead of 幫. Don’t you hate that!

So I could say that I was reading and listening to music, but not reading and sitting, right?


L :smiley:[/quote]

In English, sure you can, but that’s not really what you have written in Chinese.

他一邊生病了, 還一邊工作。
there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

[quote=“cloud2000”]他一邊生病了, 還一邊工作。
there is nothing wrong with this sentence.[/quote]

You’re Taiwanese, right?

他雖然病了, 但是還繼續工作. (他很笨.) :smiley:

Ok I settled it to day with:

張先生坐飛機的時候 ,總是 一邊看書,一邊吃飯.

Thanks ironlady. Now I have all three elements “When he sits on the plane, he reads and eats at the same time”

Mind if I run other things past you guys?


L :smiley: