Prayers for Mark Part 3

Regarding the Taipei times article…While it is true that the stories have revived interest in the case, have they revived it to a point where people might consider paying him a visit? [/quote]
Indeed. Most interest generated from that grossly inaccurate story would seem to self-indulgently focus on how the health coverage rules affect foreigners in general, rather than on the one person being currently affected.

As for visits, perhaps those will increase after Mark is transferred to either Taoyuan County Hospital, or Zhong-li/Pingchen. {for a duration of 3 to 6 weeks, before he is rotated back up to Gwei-San rehab again. Not enough beds, I gather.}.

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i suspect there might be a misunderstanding here about the NHI , ie the NHI would only pay for rehab of a brain injured case up to an approximate max of 6 months, then it’s ‘you’re on your own’ irregardless of foreign or local.

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Finally, some common sense is infused into this thread. Putting an end to the panic in the shallow end of the pool.

Mark was fortunate to get offered a whole year of extended coverage. After that, his costs will be the same as anyone else’s in this country, whether Taiwanese or otherwise.

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I just copied and pasted this off the TT website. Is this the original or a revised version of the article?

Seems they put the wrong caption with the wrong photo. … 2003359359

Selikoff faces crisis as insurance dries up

RUNNING DRY: Despite an initial outburst of help from friends and celebrities, the bed-ridden former TV star and his family are struggling to cover medical expenses
By Max Hirsch
Friday, May 04, 2007, Page 2

Mark Selikoff undergoes a medical examination at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taoyuan County two months ago in this file photo.

Celebrity friends of former TV entertainer Mark Selikoff have abandoned the bedridden US artist after promising to help him and his family following a motorcycle crash in Taoyuan County last September that left him severely brain-damaged, Selikoff’s family said yesterday.

Fluent in Mandarin, Selikoff, 37, was regularly featured in variety shows such as Everyone Talks Nonsense (全民大悶鍋) and Here Come Kang and Hsi (康熙來了). His entertainment career was cut short after losing control of his motorcycle and careening into a median strip.

Selikoff was comatose in a Taoyuan hospital for two months, and, though now conscious, remains in his hospital bed, his sister Rachael Selikoff told the Taipei Times by telephone yesterday.

“We don’t know how much he understands,” she said. “He can grab things and put them into a bucket.”

Mentally impaired and nonverbal, Selikoff is struggling to recover while his Aboriginal wife, Huang Ying-hui (黃英惠), and their two young children fall on hard times trying to foot his medical expenses, Rachael said.

Selikoff is seen with his wife Huang Ying-hui and their two children in this file photo.

An initial outpouring of support from Selikoff’s local celebrity pals, including financial pledges, has dried up even as the Taiwanese government threatens to cancel Selikoff’s medical insurance policy, she added.

“There seems to be this impression out there that we’re getting a ton of help from celebrities, but we’re not – we never did,” she said.

Shortly after Selikoff’s accident, local entertainer Jacky Wu (吳宗憲) pledged to help out with his medical expenses, while another TV entertainer, Chen Wei-min (陳為民), was reported to have rushed to the hospital to see Selikoff.

That concern has vanished, Rachael said, as Selikoff’s national health insurance policy nears its expiration date in October.

Though he has resided in Taiwan for 16 years and his wife and children are Taiwanese, Selikoff isn’t eligible to receive local medical insurance beyond October, Rachael said.

This is because Selikoff never applied for permanent residency and cannot obtain “handicapped status” as a severely brain-damaged foreigner.

“Mark would have to submit a certificate of health [to the government] to become eligible [for handicapped status] and he can’t submit that now obviously,” she said, adding that the status would provide Selikoff with a monthly stipend for his care.

“We’re going to be up shit creek in October,” Rachael said.

While his policy covers some expenses, Selikoff’s wife has been eating through their savings to further provide care and raise their children.

The family held a fundraiser for Selikoff at a Taoyuan venue last week, but only raised NT$60,000 (US$1,800).

Donations to Selikoff can be wired to account 060500125678 at Union Bank’s Jhongli branch (中壢分行). The account is in the name of his four-year-old son Shih Wei-che (石維哲).

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[quote=“StevenCrook”]I just copied and pasted this off the TT website. Is this the original or a revised version of the article?

Seems they put the wrong caption with the wrong photo. … 2003359359

Selikoff faces crisis as insurance dries up

RUNNING DRY: Despite an initial outburst of help from friends and celebrities, the bed-ridden former TV star and his family are struggling to cover medical expenses
By Max Hirsch
Friday, May 04, 2007, Page 2

Mark Selikoff undergoes a medical examination at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taoyuan County two months ago in this file photo.

Celebrity friends of former TV entertainer Mark Selikoff have abandoned the bedridden US artist after promising to help him and his family following a motorcycle crash in Taoyuan County last September that left him severely brain-damaged, Selikoff’s family said yesterday.

Fluent in Mandarin, Selikoff, 37, was regularly featured in variety shows such as Everyone Talks Nonsense (全民大悶鍋) and Here Come Kang and Hsi (康熙來了). His entertainment career was cut short after losing control of his motorcycle and careening into a median strip.

Selikoff was comatose in a Taoyuan hospital for two months, and, though now conscious, remains in his hospital bed, his sister Rachael Selikoff told the Taipei Times by telephone yesterday.

“We don’t know how much he understands,” she said. “He can grab things and put them into a bucket.”

Mentally impaired and nonverbal, Selikoff is struggling to recover while his Aboriginal wife, Huang Ying-hui (黃英惠), and their two young children fall on hard times trying to foot his medical expenses, Rachael said.

Selikoff is seen with his wife Huang Ying-hui and their two children in this file photo.

An initial outpouring of support from Selikoff’s local celebrity pals, including financial pledges, has dried up even as the Taiwanese government threatens to cancel Selikoff’s medical insurance policy, she added.

“There seems to be this impression out there that we’re getting a ton of help from celebrities, but we’re not – we never did,” she said.

Shortly after Selikoff’s accident, local entertainer Jacky Wu (吳宗憲) pledged to help out with his medical expenses, while another TV entertainer, Chen Wei-min (陳為民), was reported to have rushed to the hospital to see Selikoff.

That concern has vanished, Rachael said, as Selikoff’s national health insurance policy nears its expiration date in October.

Though he has resided in Taiwan for 16 years and his wife and children are Taiwanese, Selikoff isn’t eligible to receive local medical insurance beyond October, Rachael said.

This is because Selikoff never applied for permanent residency and cannot obtain “handicapped status” as a severely brain-damaged foreigner.

“Mark would have to submit a certificate of health [to the government] to become eligible [for handicapped status] and he can’t submit that now obviously,” she said, adding that the status would provide Selikoff with a monthly stipend for his care.

“We’re going to be up shit creek in October,” Rachael said.

While his policy covers some expenses, Selikoff’s wife has been eating through their savings to further provide care and raise their children.

The family held a fundraiser for Selikoff at a Taoyuan venue last week, but only raised NT$60,000 (US$1,800).

Donations to Selikoff can be wired to account 060500125678 at Union Bank’s Zhongli branch (中壢分行). The account is in the name of his four-year-old son Shih Wei-che (石維哲).


This is the original article…It seems as if the captions are backwards.

Taipeitimes…Never ceases to amaze. :bravo:

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This is the original article…It seems as if the captions are backwards.

Taipeitimes…Never ceases to amaze. :bravo:[/quote]

Well if that’s the case, then it seems like someone didn’t like losing face over their errors :unamused: Shame and good they were called on it as it is a really nasty article.

I went to see Mark tonight as he’s been moved from the Linkou Rehab center down to Taoyuan County Hospital(Insurance coverage reasons). I hadn’t seen him for a bit, he looks about the same. I get frustrated that my only chance for visitation is in the evenings, as I’ve yet to see him do his therapy exercises and find him sleepy by the time I arrive. Nevertheless, he did have open eyes for a bit, and seemed responsive to some of the things I told him. He’s in the rehabilitation building, 10th floor; it’s an international ward area, room 10B31, set up especially for foreigners in Taiwan.

The plan is to keep him there for the next couple of weeks, at which time he’ll bounce back to the Chang gung Rehab center for another few weeks, then back to Taoyuan, back to Chang gung until October, when Health Insurance coverage availability will dictate Mark’s next move.

It’s been fully 8 months since the accident.

I’d also like to thank a particular forumosan who donated to the cause on Sunday…You know who you are, and the family is grateful.

Wookie and I went up to see Mark tonight…He’s not doing so well today. When we arrived he was running a mid-grade fever and was really congested. He looked fairly miserable. We gave him a spongebath and it seemed to help a bit. The doctors will keep an eye on his condition for the next few days.

Last week was kind of an adventure…Mark had a doctor’s appointment in Linkou but transporting by ambulance is a 10,000NT round trip proposition, so private transport was arranged. In other words, we loaded him into a borrowed van and drove him up there. I wasn’t completely comfortable with the idea, but I certainly can relate to saving 300US dollars when money is increasingly tight. With enough people and a degree of care it wasn’t nearly the drama I was expecting, and the trip went off without a hitch.


I saw Mark tonight and he’s looking much better than last week. Fever and all signs of illness are gone, leaving him more awake and responsive. His wife was there, and it’s very obvious that his level of alertness is significantly higher when she is around compared to when it’s just…The boys.

He actually had a smile on tonight, and with his wife there it looked eerily peaceful. I usually get the scowl. Anyway, I had a good chat and he seemed to be listening.

More next week…


[quote=“MJB”]I saw Mark tonight and he’s looking much better than last week. Fever and all signs of illness are gone, leaving him more awake and responsive. His wife was there, and it’s very obvious that his level of alertness is significantly higher when she is around compared to when it’s just…The boys.

He actually had a smile on tonight, and with his wife there it looked eerily peaceful. I usually get the scowl. Anyway, I had a good chat and he seemed to be listening.

More next week…


Thanks as always for the updates. Even though there doesn’t appear to be much chatting in this thread, I can guarantee that there are a lot of people interested in knowing how Mark’s doing.

Thanks for the updates MJB.

Mark has already moved back to Taoyuan Chung Gang Rehabilitation Center today. 3rd floor, A 2-bed room, on the same floor as last time, 3A30A, by the door.

Hello everyone,

As most of you know, my brother’s struggle continues. It has been a full 10 months now. He is in a daily fight for his life–against the doctors, the “statistics”, the false prophecies. I believe that he will get better–but he needs time and positivity and time and love and time… He still has a bedsore, a trache, a feeding tube. He’s recently recovering from his second bout of pneumonia. For those of you who know Mark–you are well aware how strong, how tough and how stubborn he is. If anyone can get through this, it is him…

Meanwhile he has a beautiful (inside and out) wife and two amazing children. Even his cat is cool. As you can imagine this is taking their lives for a whirl and though Mark is most certainly suffering more than any of us, they are next in line.

To see his kids smooching and hugging on him is heartbreaking–Sonja taking Mark’s arm and putting it around her so that daddy is “hugging” her. Alex showing Mark the stick pictures he draws of the family. Mark’s stick figure–big (as big as a stick figure can be) and smiling a huge smile–no hair of course. And then Alex saying, “Daddy says he likes my picture.” “Of course he does,” I say. Because, of course he does.

Mark’s wife, less than 1/2 is size–moving him, dressing him, washing him, feeding him–she is loyal and sensitive and warm and feisty–a force to be reckoned with–and though Mark’s accident and present physical condition is sad, frustrating, difficult and unlucky–he is at the same time blessed by the universe (or whatever you may call it) and lucky, even, to have that woman by his side, those kids, his cat, even his caretaker. He is surrounded by love.

I spent 30 days straight with my brother in April and I know for a fact–100%–no doubt–that Mark is “in there” and aware. Maybe his clarity comes in waves, but it comes. And he is trying. I saw it–the determination. And though there is such a long way to go, there are so many small steps to be thankful for…Mark can hold his head up (not always, but often), he can swallow–even food the consistency of apple sauce, he can cough up his own phlegm, move his left arm, has started moving his right arm/hand even more. And recently, when talking to his wife, she was so excited because Mark had moved his body and also his legs.

Before I left Taiwan, I had a long talk with my big brother. We were sitting by a window in the hospital that overlooks these huge, green, flowing hills. I was telling him I am 100% sure that he will get better, that it’s going to take a very long time, but it will happen–no doubt–that he just needs to believe it is possible…to not concentrate on the overwhelming mass of things he cannot do, but on the building group of things he can. If we get stuck on that which we cannot do, the qualities we’re not happy with–there is no possibility for change. We end up miserable and never get anywhere. But, if we concentrate our thoughts on the positive things about ourselves, those things that we can and are accomplishing, all is possible and those good things will continue to multiply. I made it clear that I had the utmost faith in him, that if anyone could come out of this shining it would be Mark Selikoff. I promised him that we would be there for him the whole way–maybe in shifts, maybe in spirit, but definitely there. I told him I loved him.

As most of you know, my brother cannot yet speak, but he found his own way…he reached up and grabbed my hand.

Mark’s medical costs continue to add up. He has a 24 hour caregiver that is not covered under insurance and we are about to hire a second as he truly needs two people to take care of him properly. His two children go to paid schools, they have their apartment, etc. His wife works full time trying to do it all. Some of you have donated to the family…

Medical Supplies
Frequent Flier Miles

Our family would like to thank you sincerely for your generosity.

Many in America have asked how and what to donate to the family. I have opened up an account in my brother’s name (for the benefit of Mark Selikoff) so those stateside can do so easily.

Mom will be returning to Taiwan on Tuesday, August 7th for at least two months. If you have pictures, CDs and DVDs–of videos or music–personal or otherwise, letters, physical therapy gadgets, etc.–please send them or drop them off with my mom so that she may take them with her. My brother needs the stimulation.

If you want to call and talk to Mark, please get in contact with my mom or me and we will give you a number to do so.

I know it can be uncomfortable to talk without being spoken to, but do it anyway. Call and tell Mark about your day, your family, your life. He can hear, I assure you. Please help me to restore some normalcy to his life.

For those of you who know doctors, neurologists, rehab centers, etc…Help us help him.

If any of you know of an organization or charity that may be able to help my brother and his family, please pass that information along.

Most of all…

Keep praying, meditating, sending good vibes out to the universe. I like to believe that time and space are an illusion. You don’t have to be sitting next to Mark to tell him he will get better, to tell him you love him, to hold his hand.

Find a different way to speak.


Mark’s little sister…Rachel

Updated information, pictures and videos of Mark can be found on his personal website--

For those of you wanting to send things along with Mom, please remember she leaves on the 7th of August. Her address is 104 Shoshoni Trail, Apple Valley, MN 55124.

If you have any questions for me, I can be reached by phone at 612.804.5327 or by email at

Information for Mark’s account in Taiwan: Bank: Union Bank of Taiwan North Chung Li Branch Swift: UBOTTWTP Name: Huang Sang Ya Account Number: 060 500 124 442

Information for Mark’s account in Minnesota: Bank: Wings Financial FCU in Apple Valley Name: For the Benefit of Mark Selikoff Account Number: 0100015755 Routing Number: 296076152 Phone Number: 952.997.8000

Thanks for the update Rachel. My thoughts are with him and the rest of the family, both here and in the US.

Interesting article in the age . … 85788.html

I received a number of emails on Mark’s situation, including the somewhat troubling “status report” that (apparently) Mark’s ARC will expire in Oct. 2007, and obviously he is in no position to go to the Foreign Affairs Police Station and renew it himself … (and taking him there by wheelchair is also not-practical.)

Without an ARC, it will be impossible to continue his National Health Insurance coverage.

However, new Taiwanese ID cards were issued over the period of the last year, and to my knowledge there was no strict requirement (for the elderly or the ill) that they apply in person …

At any rate, I mentioned Mark’s situation to some of my Taiwanese associates, and they contacted a lawyer who might be able to be of assistance in terms of dealing with the legal complexities involved in an ARC renewal. This lawyer’s offices are on Ren Ai Road, in Taipei.

Is there someone to whom I could pass along this information? Could you give me a FAX and email contact data?

Sincerely, etc.

My email is as below.

Thanks for your suggestions, I will pass on this info to Mark’s family. Someone will get back to you soon.

Thanks again for your effort.

:star: :thumbsup:

Mark now is in Taoyuan County Hospital (Neili), room 10B31, the building by 7-11

Article in the Chinese paper today. Mark is going back to the States?

Any confirmation on this?