Presidential debates 2020

Biden is not wrong on the Brazilian rain forests.

Joe is way off on the climate change and renewable energy stuff. And why is no one talking about nuclear???

Imagine, bullying poor countries that don’t fall in line with rich country’s fantasy ideals.

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Take out the cows…? :open_mouth:

That was an AOC thing I think.

Definitely not in those words

He’ll pay them 20 million and they will continue cutting it down. Guaranteed.

“I’m having a little trouble myself”

Wallace on Trump’s rambling :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wallace certainly being neutral with that quote :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Biden “I don’t believe in the green new deal”
Biden “the green new deal will pay for itself”
Biden “I don’t believe in the green new deal”


I don’t support the GND.

Hmmm…we’ll see how that settles in.

Ah yes,

neutrality is a realistic expectation when one party is constantly breaking the rules and acting like a complete jagaloon.

What an unrealistic standard to hold anyone to.

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No, I think it was more about cow farts.

are real journalists not supposed to be neutral?

Are you honestly saying Biden wasn’t mumbling when Trump was talking and didn’t also interrupt him?

Why did Biden say “go to”.
Does he think this is the primaries?

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Yeah, that was weird.

He is not a journalist tonight - he is a moderator and has established rules that both parties have agreed to, beforehand, adhere to.

If one party breaks these rules ad nauseam…it is not a display of bias for this transgression to be pointed out.

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Wow…the Logan Act snark got Joe’s attention.

If you believe in American democracy, the answers to the last question on elections & ballots should be enough to make you vote for Biden. It’s really that simple.

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No, it’s really not. If it is, you’re part of the problem.

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