My girlfriend and I have been planning a trip to Tokyo for the Chinese New Year. I was expecting the flight to be about US$200/each (at the MOST!), and man was I sadly mistaken. It looks as though we’re looking at about US$437/each!
Is this normal? I flew here from the East coast of the US (not from a major hub, either, might I add) for US$600 (one-way). I find it hard to believe that a flight to Tokyo normally costs this much.
What sites do people normally use to find flights around asia? Most of the sites I’m familiar with deal with flight from the US.
maybe you could travel with a group booking and just piss off from the group at the other end (make sure you actually have your ticket in hand, or that you will be able to get it back from the guide later). for soem reason they are much cheaper, even including the usual desultory hotel. weird. but be careful, i was once told two days before a trip that it was cancelled due to not enough passengers… and they refused to find another ticket for me. that was EzyFly, i believe. bastards.
independent travel seems to be frowned on, and you may find it hard to get prices much below rack-rate. ie no advance booking discount . the travel agent probably gets that but charges you full whack. or book direct with the airline rather than an agent.
If u can read some chinese, u can use this site to find the lowest (almost) ticket price:
The price listed doesn’t include tax, so u have to add the tax on ur own.