Professional one-time thorough house cleaning in Taipei

Ours as well. And in return we hand over twice the regular monthly fee for Chinese New Year.

The only reason I donā€™t do it myself, like every other week, is I know someone is going to slip and take me to court. Actually I was chatting to them on their once a year visit, maybe last year, and they said people in other apartments have complained (about the once a year hose down). If anyone pipes up, they just donā€™t do it at all, and claim that as the reason.

In our stairwell, they re-did all the walls and ceilings one time with white plaster and they spilled all the plaster over the stairwell. That stuff does not wash out anyway. I had reason to mop part of our stairwell myself the other day and my mop has never been that dirty.

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We have a windowsill near the door. It gets coated with black dust. I go out there once a month with a bucket of water and a sponge and just wipe all the dust off the door and window sill, and just clean the general area down. When the neighbours come out, they look at me like I am raving mad.

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After some back and forth, Iā€™ve just received a quote from Hoho (from what Iā€™ve learned by now, theyā€™re actually just an intermediary platform which acts as a broker for different companies).

For ā€œdeep-cleaningā€ a kitchen, a bathroom (both rather small and dirty, but not above-average, Iā€™d say), and three windows before move-in, theyā€™re quoting almost NT$ 7,000 and said it should be a two peopleā€™s job for about half a day. That would come down to almost NT$ 900 per person per hour. That seems a bit excessive to me - I feel like Iā€™ll probably be better off cleaning myself as Iā€™m planning to move in soon and thereā€™s probably not enough time to get another quote by nowā€¦

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Iā€™ve had some bad experiences with Hoho and wouldnā€™t recommend them. They wanted something like $15k to clean my 3 room apartment and when I instead hired an hourly cleaner through the platform they managed to clean one bathroom in 2 hours.