Protests in Moscow - end of Putin's era?

So… al the nice stuff is vague sloganeering, and all the nasty stuff is concrete.

Every bill is like that

City authorities estimated around 6,500 people had taken part. One local media outlet put the number at up to 20,000, while other outlets and opposition activists said upwards of 50,000 had attended and that it was the biggest protest of its kind so far.


Any idea which source is more dependable?

maybe somewhere in the middle? not as low as the government would like you to think. not as high as activists would like their numbers to be.

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These protests are in the far east in Khabarovsk, about 6,000km from Moscow. People protest against the dismissal of a popular governor.

For anti-government protests I always take the police estimate and the organizers’ estimate and split the difference, with a little weighting on the high side.

Protests are bullshit. Let me know when they actually do something.

IIRC they had a revolution once. That didn’t do a whole lot of good either.

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Some people do revolution better than others.

More than once lol. Might not have helped but makes interesting history.