Provoking strangers

Sometimes when I am in a bad mood I come onto and use my words to piss off people I don’t know very well. It’s easier than dealing with the reality of what is really making me angry.

Am I wrong to do this?

Am I alone in doing this?

I apologize to anyone I have pissed off, or will piss off in the future.
When I do this, I am actually angry about something else, something real, and not about how you, Mr Stranger, conduct your personal life and your personal affairs.

I apologize for the over abundance of the word ‘piss’ in this thread.

[quote=“TomHill”]Sometimes when I am in a bad mood I come onto and use my words to piss off people I don’t know very well. It’s easier than dealing with the reality of what is really making me angry.

Am I wrong to do this?

Am I alone in doing this?

I apologize to anyone I have pissed off, or will piss off in the future.
When I do this, I am actually angry about something else, something real, and not about how you, Mr Stranger, conduct your personal life and your personal affairs.

I apologize for the over abundance of the word ‘piss’ in this thread.[/quote]

You smell! (Actually you don’t really. I’m just angry with Sandman.)

[quote]Am I wrong to do this?

Am I alone in doing this? [/quote]
No and no. It’s an escape valve. That’s all. It’s only the Internet.

[quote=“sandman”][quote]Am I wrong to do this?

Am I alone in doing this? [/quote]
No and no. It’s an escape valve. That’s all. It’s only the Internet.[/quote]

Yeah, speaking of escape valves…

Like sandman said it’s a release valve. I think it’s up to you to judge if it’s wrong or not.
I do the same. I feel bad about it only when I’ve taken it out on someone who can’t defend themselves properly…

… like you and your nancy boy Iris.

Some strangers can take those things personally. And if as in coincidence, if this stranger has a bad moment himself, it can give firework. This said, …sorry.

Tash, I don’t often ‘laugh out loud’ but that was a real ‘l.o.l’ moment then.
Nancy boy is also a quality expression.

If you take anything so personally on a web forum from people you don’t know than you need a therapist.

If however you’ve just had a bun fight with your partner or other close friends then this is the place to find release. As American like to say spit it out and get some closure.

Yeah closure… a real simple event. :smiley:


Who’s nancy boy Iris?


Who’s nancy boy Iris?[/quote]
You. It’s the name we use behind your back when we’re not calling you buftie boy.


Who’s nancy boy Iris?[/quote]
You. It’s the name we use behind your back when we’re not calling you buftie boy.[/quote]

Right! That’s it!
Your nickname is Smellman! And actually I’ve been saying that for ages in secret and some people even laugh and clap.

Oh, no! I’ve just realized how mean we’ve been today. If Buttercup is lurking, imagine how much willpower it will take for her NOT to post here, or in one of those smelly threads IrisHstu started.


Who’s nancy boy Iris?[/quote]
You. It’s the name we use behind your back when we’re not calling you buftie boy.[/quote]

Right! That’s it!
Your nickname is Smellman! And actualy I’ve been saying that for ages in secret and some people even laugh and clap.[/quote]
That’s only because they’re amazed you can finally enunciate a two-syllable word without drooling.

Wow, what a feel-good thread.

No offense intended, really, but doesn’t this make you a troll? I mean, if you post just to piss people off… that’s what a troll is. But I guess what you’re saying is that you do it when you are feeling in a bad mood about something, and it’s not intentional… right?

Actually I think I realize why b-cup left; because I often find that I go home after work (which is where I read fcom) and still struggle with the issues in my head! Ridiculous right?

Sandman and irishstu,
Stop bickering like girlie men!! Settle your differences like men: strip down to your undies and start mud wrestling. I’ll get the mud ready. Anyone want to referee?

Not me. Emphatically. Superlatively emphatically.

[quote=“almas john”]Sandman and irishstu,
Stop bickering like girlie men!! Settle your differences like men: strip down to your undies and start mud wrestling. I’ll get the mud ready. Anyone want to referee?[/quote]

Ha! Who looks silly now? Both Sandman (sorry, I mean “Smellman”) and I are permanently “commando”, so we CAN’T strip down to our undies.

Who wants to referee now?

erm…nope…sorry, but I’d rather sniff ChoDoF underwear. It doesn’t smell as bad.

[quote=“irishstu”][quote=“almas john”]Sandman and irishstu,
Stop bickering like girlie men!! Settle your differences like men: strip down to your undies and start mud wrestling. I’ll get the mud ready. Anyone want to referee?[/quote]

Ha! Who looks silly now? Both Sandman (sorry, I mean “Smellman”) and I are pemanently “commando”, so we CAN’T strip down to our undies.

Don’t tell them why, Stu. We don’t want everyone knowing that we have such massively huge thingys we can’t find underwear roomy enough.

“smellman” = gold