Public Bathrooms- You've come a long way baby!

Yeah, things pop back up like you said. I’m kind of surprised by @tommy525 saying that about his gf. Thought he’d be more mature/ cooler about that kinda stuff.

TBH some guys are quite sensitive to body functions from the opposite sex. A fart is reason for dumping. Seeing a clean, unused pad or tampon in a purse is considered a gross insult. So I have been told!

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Possibly true because there was no toilet paper around just one stinking turd.

I make double sure my logs go down and dont come back up.

Talk about crap stories when I enlisted my friend to help me drive down to LAX to pick up Tammy after her trip back to indo,she had to fly down to LAX instead of SFO cuz it was cheaper and we planned a 800 mile drive in one day so my friend had to come help drive and when we got down to LAX just in time to meet her flight at 130 after having left the house at 630 I needed to do a number 2 ie dump ie poo just to clarify the thing was like HUGE then my friend went as well and he was telling me how he left a huge package at LAX like I did and I was like sheepish how we thanked LAX for helping bring the wife home and there you have it one more crap story to add to the bucket and it’s weird how crap stories really have to RUN together in one go because like the real thing it’s better in one go

Those guys suck. A fart is just taking the relationship to the next level!

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Honestly I never thought them angels ever crappoed …was a revelation to me that they could also be so DURTy…ewww

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That one I resented especially because he claimed it happened while I was sleeping. Heck, how can one be sure if it’s true? And if it is, like, wut?!

Sounds like he did you a favor by dumping you.

I. Don’t mind clean pads or tampons I hate it when the wife leaves a used pad on the sink in the toilet because she forgot…ewww gross.

DrAculas tea bag.

See? That is why in Taiwan we have nice trash cans in the toilet.

Still, it stings. Or stinks, depending on the mood.

The wife and no gf has ever let one out in front of me but I fart all over the dang place . I’m one big fArt bag. I say a lot and I fArt a lot.

Gross huh.

I least I don’t do it in the car when there’s company and I try to keep it discreet at work farting only as I walk.

I’m a big contributor to grrenhouse gas.

I will signal you when it’s safe to visit

Oh and my cat farts too.

Oh gosh, car farts. My dad is a champion at that sport.

Back on topic: in Taiwan you even have restrooms available at riverside parks. Every 500 meters or so there are a couple of reasonably cleanish porta potties.

Farrting is the best ice-breaker :grin:.

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That’s one of the longest sentences I’ve ever read, and it hasn’t ended yet because you didn’t put a full stop at the end, which is a thing that Americans call a “period;” ewww … that’s disgusting.

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If you fart, and she laughs (or she farts and you laugh) then it’s true love.

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I wouldn’t go this far, since I’ll laugh at just about any fart, whether I love the farter or not. But body functions definitely shouldn’t be a big deal.

what was disgusting the fact that full stops are called “periods” in the good ol USA or the “packages” we left behind at LAX? :stuck_out_tongue:

@Andrew0409 feel like you should be contributing to this !

I remember when my little ones were taken to the restrooms and shown how to use them in kindergarten.
No, I wasn’t there but I heard about it.

Yeah, do you know who is responsible for cleaning said toilets? The students.
There is no such thing as the friendly janitor that comes into your classroom to throw that magic powder on your puke and make it go away. The students have to pickup their own puke and they are responsible for cleaning everything including the bathrooms.
Some schools have clean bathrooms, others you need a gasmask to enter.