Public insult and defamation



Could criminal charges be applied if you called someone an idiot in public and it could be proved?

It seems a extreme, these laws. I’m using “idiot” as it’s probably the least offensive, offensive word I can think if.

You’re very rich now?

This is odd. All the posts here are replies to me.

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I didn’t know cow is an insult.

british offensive an insulting word for a woman, especially one who is stupid or unkind

So ‘stupid cow’ is a double stupid?

If you can prove it what’s the crime?


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Slightly richer.


Has it actually happened? or is it more something that’s on the books.

Are people getting criminal charges and going to jail for this?

wow, just wow

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Usually people will often just settle for money.

I was called a ‘fucking asshole’.

I sued.

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There’s an online price list in Mandarin for public insults. “Idiot” is 55,000NT for each time it’s uttered. If yo refuse to pay or the idiot refuses to accept payment you could do some jail time.

It’s just something you don’t do in an argument here, unless you think handing your opponent a hammer to bash you with is a good idea. I recall someone suggesting going with “你好可愛” or the like. Maybe a well chosen cheng yu


I just checked because “dumb cow” or “stupid cow” is a quite common insult in German. It had cost someone 750 euro in Germany for saying that to someone (but including 1-2 other insults) :cow:

Oh yeah? I didn’t realize that was the case in Germany.

We somehow like to call people animals to insult each other. But, yes, Germany can be strict with regards to insults, if you are willing to go to court or if you are insulting a public servant.

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