I am looking for a home for a very sweet, playful, not that needy puppy named Matilda. I think she is about 2 months old, she is about a foot long (from nose to bum) and about 6kg. Someone dropped her off on the side of the road and drove off. We found her a few hours later and couldn’t bear to leave her on the street. She is just too little and I know someone would love to have her. She loves being held and cuddled, really isn’t that needy, already prefers to pee on newspaper and can walk on a leash. She is eager to please and appreciates any kindness so she would make a great pet.
I would like to keep her but can’t because my pig is very territorial and fights with her. If you would like pictures or to meet her, please text me at 09-8732-2684 or email me dawnieve@gmail.com as soon as you can. It is very taxing trying to keep puppy out of pig’s way. I live in Taipei but will come to meet you if you don’t (no further than mid Taiwan please). I really want to find a good home for her.