Big profits for some? Just as trickle down economics, this myth of adaptation has also fallen in disrepair.
The China Shock saga, Hanson says, seems to be a general story about what happens when a bomb explodes on a community’s main industry. The community doesn’t just bounce back. Workers don’t just shift to new sectors or move to new places. The social fabric of the community gets ripped apart. Destitution, squalor and depression set in.
*And this is basically the same in developing countries, just add overwhelming debt.
It’s a good read. Incredibly hard to stop a corporate relocating it’s operations to improve profits. Also hard for some people to relocate for work. With the internet, globalism is here to stay. No easy answer. Not really a China issue either, other countries can and are stepping in to do the low cost manufacturing - India, Bangladesh, Vietnam and others are all lining up.
However, it means the West, especially the US, fed the monster, practically created it, armed it, at the cost of its own body and soul.
I think the best examples are the COVID mask and PPE shortage. Everyone competing for the same goods. Or the current distribution crises.
US is the hub/funnel from which China goods trickle to Latin America. Hence a major pickle with no access there now to anything from medicines to clothes or any other products because everything manufactured or grown is done so in China.
Which leads us to the scarcity problems arising in case of war or natural disasters. And internal issues with no jobs/production/ economic participation of a growing number of people, not just factory workers, while the wealth accumulates stagnant in the casino stock markets, bubble housing synthetic investments, and other exploitative forms of cannibal capitalism.
Its not just blue collar manufacturing jobs that have been lost. A huge number of decent paying IT jobs have been lost to India. Also big call centre setups among others have pretty much permanently been lost there.
It is annoying - but how to stop a corporate doing it? Especially if their competition is doing it to lower costs as well?
The turning point in all this was the Ukrainian maidan color revolution in 2014. The West boxed Russia into a corner leading to the Russian Crimea takeover.
This was the start of the new cold war on Russia, which eventually forced Russia into the arms of China.
This indirectly put China into a conflict of interest and eventually confrontation with the US. Nobody realized it at the time, not even the Chinese.
I think history will look back at the Ukraine coup as one of the most stupid and short sighted pieces of Western foreign policy adventurism bar none.
President ma royally F*cked taiwan by doing this. We will keep seeing more an more of these consequences unfold over time as he made permanent damage selling out to china
The whole world will, obviously, if they continue playing idiot and opting for short term gain, long term pain strategies. The only trickle down aspect to it all is that the top elite right down to the poor homeless guy all do the very same thing, just in vastly different scales. Its the mentality that needs changing more than policy. The whole willfully corrupt and immoral thing has trickled down quite nicely. Just go into a walmart or a night market.
The cycle will turn. Someday it will be the Chinese doing all the offshoring.
“Putting all eggs in one basket: effects of depending too much on the United States of America” would be something you would read in a British newspaper 100 hundred years ago.
Actually your Western leaders are the backstabbing corrupt bastards here. They sold their countries for their own gain. Yep, your neighbors sold you down the river. Ain’t life great.
Never mind human rights and morals, 100 years ago vs today, the environment wasnt literally melting. So no, its not the same and shit needs to stop 50 years ago. All sides. But china is no little innocent school girl being taken advantage of, sorry! If anything, china is the dude in the econovan waiting outside playgrounds with bags of candy and lots of rope. Wake up.
Wake up? The entire world needs to wake up indeed. Everyone needs to reduce consumption full stop. But no one wants to. It’s the same as the drug war in Mexico. It’s been pointed out that all it takes is for people in the United States to stop buying drugs and the entire thing will collapse. Same thing with China really.
Also say production were to move back to the West, it will be accompanied by more pollution and environmental degradation. So right now we are exporting pollution and importing goods. As someone might say, I just love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.
It is true essentially every human on earth claims responsibility for fucking the planet. There is no debate there. And it is also clear certain nations hold worse averages than others in any given arena. no debate there either. And if one wants to shit talk about the USA, lets go somewhere and do that…as a canadian living in taiwan i have lots of shit to talk about USA. And both my home countries as well!
But if you are trying to say any country (even the war fetish usa) is like current china, yes…wake~the~phuck~up.
Now they are starting to define the literal line of future war in my mind. China has stated anyone that supports taiwan independence is banned from entering. Which is fine, fuck those CCP assholes. They just slit their own throats if they have the gonads to stand behind it. The narrative of companies that support people who are pro taiwan respect (independence) are also banned from doing business in china, and anyone these companies deal with cant enter? hahahahahahaha. I pray for the day they make another wall and collapse their economy and oppression style dictatorship…i just feel bad because it will cause untold suffering amongst innocent people in china (see, thats the difference between the CCP and normal people: morals).
Fake threat, that will be rolled back right quick to Chinas usual just make the powerless suffer horribly so the elite can continue raping, partying and cobtrolling more and more. only once in a while make a rich famous person pay the price on camera (preferably one not associtaed with Xi’s party). Give me a break. Is weaponizing space the straw that breaks your back, or is that even on the table?
The only truly embarrassing aspect of our entire species is that we see all this openly and STILL decide to support those peices of shit. How many people still buy made in china? Literally supporting the 21st century nazi party trying to overtake the world, inch by inch. Definition of fucking insanity, its disgusting!