PVC + Bamboo Flutes, Bassoons, and other Instruments in Taipei

No, it’s not.

If I click on it, it works.

Is the video private or something?

I don’t think so!

Are you using a VPN or something?

Hmmmm doesn’t work on my phone.

It’s a shovel guitar.

I can’t play that vid, MMasala…

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different video, same guy:


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@HenHaoChi what’s the update? have you played out there on a public place, market, whatever? any prospects of punters to buy your shovel?

I think cigar box guitars are more viable but that’s assuming you can find a cigar box. Otherwise building a box is a bit of work.

yeah and there could be many sorts of packing boxes for tea, coffee beans, industrial products, consumer goods _ perhaps fancy wooden wine gift boxes, etc. You also see reproduction “ye olde English market” sort of decoration stuff at interior decoration shops, plus metal biscuit tins, egg- roll presentation boxes, etc. etc.
All of which can be adapted, customised - it does need some time, hence the artisan value on the final product.
Basic concept is a stick through a (usually) hollow container.

another option is simply to laser cut some plywood with box- joint corners and then paint, paste, decorate to own taste,
examples here:

Is there a program that generates tight fitting box joints for lasers? I tried to do this with inkscape/illustrator and it’s extremely time consuming to do this, and it’s a huge amount of trial and error. The problem is that the laser path has a kerf, and that kerf is enough to make box joints fit very loosely.

:confused: I never noticed anything special about cigar boxes.- what would make them a bit of work? feels like a chop / miter saw with stops, a finger joint jig, and you could knock them out super easily (but part of the point of cigar boxes is the character. and you can buy the pretty cheap, so…)

premade jig and a router does a great job.

Jigs cost money if I don’t already have it. I have a laser that can cut perfect box joints.

maybe, theoretically, but not really right now, right? :wink:

if you can’t afford a cheap jig (you can get them dirt cheap), you can make one with scrap wood, and it’ll be perfect every time.

We’re going up river about 75 klicks above the Do Lung bridge…

:joy: heart of darkness?

Is it like that guardians of the Galaxy game where Drax walks a bit and says 0.1 clicks.

Are you guys going to be alright for loosh if we decamp for SE Asia?

We’re putting out a fairly potent blend here.