Must have been quite a struggle.
Must have been quite a struggle.
Interesting link. I am always interested in this kind of thing.
I used to be a biologist many years ago!
Interesting stuff. I wonder if it was just defending its nest or was it hungry ? perhaps the aliigator tried to eat it first. I guess however that the python crept up on it or was just lying in :bravo: wait.
Interesting stuff
I recently saw a short video clip on TV about a tiger and a crocodile fighting to the death. I assumed, wrongly, that the tiger was going to lose, and wasn’t sure I wanted to watch the clip because of my love for cats in general.
The croc was trying to steal the tiger’s kill near the water and the tiger wasn’t about to let that happen. Very interesting short fight to watch. After a bit of dancing around, the tiger basically clamped down with it’s mouth on the back of the croc’s head and eventually killed it with enough force. I was impressed. Before the tiger got it’s hold on the croc though, the croc was thrashing back and forth and I’d imagine if it got a limb in its jaws, the tiger would have been done for.
Sounds like a good clip if you ever get the link let me have it please.
There was a short but interesting series on “animal planet” that asked scientists to predict who would win in battles between top preditors of different continents ie tiger versus lion etc. They then do computer simulations to find out the answer. They had the lion beat the tiger. At first i didn’t agree to that. But when they explained i was in total agreement. I think it got taken off the air as it was not exactly very PC. I found it interesting though and watched all of them. They also had shark versus salt water crocodile. All 'hypothetical" of course, but they got me viewing.
Here’s the Tiger V’s Croc video that Mer was talking about. Amazing stuff.
[quote=“fenlander”]Interesting link. I am always interested in this kind of thing.
I used to be a biologist many years ago!
Interesting stuff. I wonder if it was just defending its nest or was it hungry ? perhaps the aliigator tried to eat it first. I guess however that the python crept up on it or was just lying in :bravo: wait.
Interesting stuff
What I can’t work out is: wouldn’t the python have ‘strangled’ and killed the alligator first? If so, how come the alligator ‘ripped’ its way out through the python’s stomach? Surely no ‘live’ alligator is just going to sit there and be simply swallowed.
Maybe it was a bit of both: a knackered and half swallowed alligator that gave a last push for freedom, and a python that then realized it had bitten off more than it could chew.
Alslo, where did the python’s head go? Weird stuff.
We need Sherlock Holmes.
I guess the alligator was exhausted. Kind of gave in. It should of been constricted but its hard body armour probably prevented that. However i guess it got tired. But after it was going iniside the body of the python it started to get melted alive by the the python’s digestive juices. That gave it a “second wind” (burst of power) and it started clawing with its claws and ripped the pythons stomach open but died in the process.
Nature in action!
Pythons would never normally take on something as big as this unless it felt threatened or was protecting young. In Borneo pythons sometimes hunt people, however they nearly always only pick on old ladies, (yes they can tell the difference) very rarely men. There was once a fight between a man eating python and the champion discus thrower of Indonesia. He was strong enough to prevent the python from consticting him and he killed it after a twenty minute fight. However that was a smaller young python not a fully grown one like in this instance.