Q: 頓時 dun4shi2

Question: Why is 頓時 dun4shi2 different from 馬上, 立即, 迅即, and 隨即?
Can it only take a situation and not an action as its complement? I wrote 縱使投票當中國內外觀察者沒有發現任何投票過程的問題或提出任何選舉不公的證據,但中選會一宣佈結果,泛藍功敗垂成而不服輸,頓時表示會提選舉無效之訴。 But my langXchg partner, who has taught Chinese at a local Jr Hi and whose opinion I respect, said dun4shi2 looked odd and the synonyms above were preferrable, but couldn’t clearly explain why. Any takers?

I think dunshi (suddenly) is used in more passive situations, like “ta dunshi bu zhi dao ze me ban” (All of a sudden, he didn’t know what to do). I think there’s often a sense of helplessness attached to it. The action in your sentence, annulling the election, is very active. So it’s more appropriate to use li4ji2 (immediately), or the more common ma3shang4. My 2 cents.


[quote=“Dragonbones”]Question: Why is 頓時 dun4shi2 different from 馬上, 立即, 迅即, and 隨即?
Can it only take a situation and not an action as its complement? I wrote 縱使投票當中國內外觀察者沒有發現任何投票過程的問題或提出任何選舉不公的證據,但中選會一宣佈結果,泛藍功敗垂成而不服輸,頓時表示會提選舉無效之訴。 But my langXchg partner, who has taught Chinese at a local Jr Hi and whose opinion I respect, said dun4shi2 looked odd and the synonyms above were preferrable, but couldn’t clearly explain why. Any takers?[/quote]

没有问题的 但最好还是用 随即 如果是 选择题的话~!

I am not sure whether you are still interested in my humble opinion on this topic, but I saw your post only just now…

In my opinion dunshi is used for situations where something happens unexpectedly, in an abrupt manner or spontaneously, a sudden change of situation.

In your sentence the reaction of the KMT was by no means unexpected or abrupt. It was clear that they would do it “immediately”, but not abruptly or unexpectedly.

I like 馬上 – it’s quick and easy.