We own an appartment. As the complex has filled up, they recently introduced chou qian 抽籤, every unit gets one marked place.
It is basically this white box you usually see on the streets too.
I am wondering as it is allowed to put 2 scooters in there. I already checked it, sizewise it is perfectley working. Ok, it needs some
movement adjustments, but after all both are inside B1 rather outside.
Is there a law (better rule) who clearly states just one white box or just 1 scooter ?
Since it’s private property, they can make up their own rules. The law doesn’t apply (does it ever?). Our community has a dizzying array of (some sensible, mostly daft) by-laws about what one can and cannot do.
Just do it and see what happens. This is the Taiwanese Way. Practically speaking, you paid for the box, so you ought to be able to put whatever you like in it, within reason. The scooter boxes in our community are ridiculously oversized and several people have more than one scooter in one box. I don’t have a problem with that.
If anyone complains, the usual dispute resolution procedure in Taiwan is to shout and scream and rant and rave until the community godfathers get bored and leave you alone (despite what you read in travel books about not getting angry to avoid ‘losing face’). If it does come to that, just be a little careful because the resident’s representatives are, occasionally, petty mafia types.
If someone slashes your bike seat (which is possible if you park two in one spot and they get their knickers all in a twist), just slash the seat of every other bike there. then no-one complains any more.
Update: while I was away on a trip, my gf just changed our scooter arrangements to do just what you’re suggesting. When I went to pick up my mail this morning, they said “oh, btw, we need to swap your security key [the little dongle that opens the parking area barrier]”. I hand it over. They say “yeah, sorry, because you only got one box you only get one key”. Assholes. Bastards. Idiot that I am for not understanding what they were saying. My only excuse is that it was early in the morning and I don’t wake up until lunchtime.
Anyway, lesson for the day: if you need security dongles in your community, and you already have two, make sure they have to pry the spare from your cold dead fingers.
yeah that was not smart Maybe you can claim you lost the one remaining key and get another?[/quote]
Bingo. There may be a fee, but they can’t refuse.[/quote]
But they may be able to disable your “lost” remote control, and stop it from working. At least, that’s what the guard at my building says. Our building has a very strict policy on this, and I haven’t been able to think of any way around it. We’ve even talked to those stores who say they can make a copy of the remote for you, and they say they can’t do it if there’s some encrypted code in the remote, which is exactly what our remotes use.
Yeah, I thought of attempting to clone the remaining one, but usually they have a rolling code encryption. I already asked them if I can just buy another key. Basically, it’s a scam to make sure if you have two scooters, you buy two spaces - which is daft, because there aren’t enough spaces for everyone. Which is why people (not just me) put two scooters in one box.
The sensible thing would be for them to re-draw narrower scooter boxes and rent them at a somewhat lower price … thus making more money while keeping everyone happy. But ‘sensible’ and ‘petty bureaucrat’ usually don’t appear in the same sentence.
I think the passive-aggressive approach (bothering the security guard) might be the simplest option. Failing that I can always slide the scooter under the barrier…