Quarantine compensation

We´ve been thru the 14 day quarantine and heard/read that we could get a daily 1000 TWD as support because of the extra accomodation cost, in our case a hotel. Does one of you know where to apply for that? We wrote an email to the CDC, but never got a reply message. Grateful for an answer, if someone has been through this procedure already

That probably only applies to citizens. And maybe ARC holders. Are you either?

no, but we heard it applies to everyone, since the quarantine was mandatory, that´s why we are wondering. We also got the care package like everyone else. They even mentioned that in the case of the Brits who complained.

In Chinese

民眾可採線上申辦以節省排隊等候時間,申請資訊詳如以下網址: https://topics.mohw.gov.tw/COVID19/cp-4715-52167-205.html ,或可用郵寄或臨櫃方式,向受隔離或檢疫結束時之所在地直轄市、縣市政府申請。如有防疫補償相關疑問,可於每日上午8時至下午10時撥打免付費的1957福利諮詢專線洽詢。


I don’t think you should ask for that money unless you pay taxes here or are extremely poor. Please feel bad about it if you get your 14k, just my personal opinion.


You can apply online at the following link.


Or you can apply in person at the government office nearest where your quarantine took place or where it ended.

If you have any further questions about compensation for being quarantined, then call 1957 between 8am and 10pm daily.


thank you all very much

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I completely disagree with that comment.
Get the money, you have earned it.

Thank you for completing quarantine and thank you for keeping us safe.