Ranked choice voting/Instant Runoff Voting for Taiwan

Gotcha. Totally agree. Multi party countries like the UK, Canada, Taiwan, USA etc could have far more fun.

We don’t need ranked choice to have joke candidates…

That’s his full name by the way.

Let’s not forget the honey lemonade singer Guy

The biggest clown of them all. “Let’s not be a pawn, let’s be a plug in the bathtub” Korean Fish.


So there has been a push for STAR Voting since it is more accurate (as in more likely to elect an Condorcet winner) than RCV.

I followed the steps from starvoting.org and updated my RCV example.

Election Form

Template for the Election Form

Google sheet result

Since STARvoting.org made a STAR Voting addon for google sheet, there is no need for all that googlecolab business.

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A easy way to create a condorcet vote online, although it wouldn’t actually let me click create. It’s based on the condorcet php library.

You can run a simulation on their github codespace though.

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Are there Australian Forumosans who can explain why politics in Australia is still dominated by two large parties despite having compulsory voting and IRV? It seems like just under 40% of the people gave their first choice to Labor or the Liberal/National Coalition.


I’m not Australian, but I understand this. Instant runoff voting does eliminate the spoiler effect, yes, but it’s not a proportional voting system as political power is based on geographic constituencies, not on how many votes a party receives.

It’s still susceptible to gerrymandering and does not prevent condorcet winners.

They still trend to dominant parties.

Even with instant runoff voting, you are still going to get socalled compromise candidates from the big parties as people vote 1 to their favourite marginal party but vote 2 to their favourite big party that is most likely to win based off their values.

It only works for single-constituency elections like leadership elections. For seats, it’s not a good solution. It’s only better than FPTP.

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That doesn’t answer the question why so many people put the two major political entities as their first choice. The whole idea of ranked choice voting (doesn’t have to be IRV, could be any of the Condorcet compliant voting systems which are way better than IRC) or score-based voting like STAR voting is that you can pick smaller parties with platforms that you more identify with as your first couple of choices, and put the larger parties towards the back of the ballot just in case the parties you like don’t get enough votes.

If you have MMP then when your vote goes to a party too small to make it pass the threshold, like if one would vote for the Taiwan Statebuilding Party this election, it’s still wasted.

I’m not an expert but is there a difference between preferential voting and instant run off?

The way I had how works explained to was like this
Say in a particular seat the percent of first preference votes is as below and there were only 3 candidates

Labour 45%
Liberal 49%
Greens 6%

You must have a clear majority to win, so greens gets cut and we look at the second preference votes on the ballots that had greens as first preference
The second preference of those voters is

100% labour,

so those ballots would be passed on to the labour party resulting in

51% labour
49% liberal

Labour wins even though they had a lower number of first preference votes

I think the difficulty with Australians is that neither major party has clearly identified with anyone. They’re both too busy trying to please everyone that they aren’t really pleasing anyone enough.
The liberal party coming up with too many social policies and the labour party forgetting about the workers and looking after the unemployed. A bit frustrating
The only other party worth mentioning is the Greens and I like most of their social policies but they work hard to ensure success is frowned upon not celebrated

It does. Because while a candidate has to get 50% of the vote, it has to be something that at least most people can kinda/somewhat agree on. So it will always be a two party fight.

The biggest ones will almost always be compromise candidates.

Proportional representation is the only way in a multi-constituency jurisdiction to ensure the least amount of wasted votes with representation from as much of society as possible.

Go look at the lawmaking bodies of MMP countries and look at the lawmaking bodies of countries that determine their parliaments from geographic constituency alone. You’ll see the difference.

If the US goes Instant runoff, or as they like to call it, ranked choice voting, it will still be democratic vs republican.

Again, it would make perfect sense if after a few rounds the two major entities got the most seats. What I’m asking is why did 40% of voters from each side of the political spectrum went and put the two major entities as their first choice to begin with. That is what’s not making sense here. If more voters selected smaller parties as their first choice, perhaps the end results would have more seats for smaller parties.

In Australia?

If most people put their first choice into marginal parties, then they wouldn’t be marginal parties anymore.

Why would someone vote for a party with little influence and little power?

The 2 biggest parties are the biggest because they are the biggest.

Also the most recent election resulted in quite a decent amount of independent and greens candidates being voted in

They’re still the biggest with the most resources. Most people are moderates and prefer generalists.

They’re the ones with the biggest track record of the country and nobody wants to rock the boat.

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They can put their first choice into multiple marginal parties. If after ranking the system to select the winner is CPO-STV, then the result should have been even better.

They can, but why? Who wants to rock the boat in a largely-well-run country?

They’re mostly rubbish parties. The only 3 worth taking seriously are the liberal-national coalition, the greens and the labor parties.

There are few with a bit of a cult following like One Nation (loved by racists) and United Australian party (loved by people sucked in by 90s style Tv ads)

They’re particularly rubbish in the Senate. The ballot paper is a kilometre long with 90% weird useless choices

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One could argue as of 2023, Taiwan has been one of the most well-run countries for the past 8 years. Yet there are plenty of people trying to rock the boat.

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Taiwan is unique in this situation with its split identity.

Australians largely agree Australia should be an independent country.


Star Voting will be adopted by Eugene, Oregon. Hopefully soon we will have entire states adopting Star Voting.