Rats in public park

You will be first against the wall when they install Ike as the official Hooman Leader. :no_no:

Surveillance Cat is watching

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In the last couple years weā€™ve started having he same problem in my neighborhood park.

Except with, you knowā€¦Americans. :eek:

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Do raccoons eat rats?

Do raccoons eat Americans?

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No but :snake: do. I got the beginnings of a planā€¦

Is that a request? :face_with_monocle:

Iā€™m surprised no one has suggested we unleash the natural predator of rats (and every other animal): hungry mainlanders.


i didnā€™t see much wildlife when i was living in shanghai. but i did see a bunch of rats.

There goes that idea. Back to the drawing boardā€¦

Are you from Louisiana?


Rat piper? kinda like Flypiper? but more sticky?

Sorry, Australian joke.

Sometimesā€¦ Americans eat raccoons