Reading groups

I’m interested in discussing books ( English novels) and wondered where and when any reading groups meet in Taipei.

I dunno, but I’d be up for starting one, especially for ‘canon’ books.

Thanks for the reply, Tianfu. I’m sure there’s some interest in reading groups out there. Perhaps if a meeting is announced it will attract some people. By the way I assume by ‘canon’ books you mean the classics ?

There was an attempt to start one here among forumosans a few years ago, but it never materialized.

A reading circle for canon/ classic novels you mean?

I would be into that.

Welp, I say we do it. It seems like we have 4 interested, I think that’s enough to get started.

By ‘canon’ I meant classics. I managed to get through college hardly having read anything, and I’d like to fix that.

Any ideas on where we’d start? I’m up for victorian, philosophy, and renaissance (in that order).

I’m free on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Sunday afternoon would be good for me too. How about arranging an initial meeting for those interested at which we could all suggest books we’d like to discuss and then choose some (?) to get the ball rolling ?

Sunday is good.

Philosophy and renaissance absolutely…Victorian…I am willing to take one for the team :slight_smile:

Realistically our choice of novels or philosophical works will have to be decided in part by price and availability in taipei, so it might be a good idea to have the first meeting at or near an ESLite.

Beautiful spam, part of me agrees with you. I definitely want to read Renaissance, I just feel this sort of guilty-responsibility to read Victorian, too. And I LOVE philosophy =)

We can always order books online, too. I’ve found they get here pretty quick. Getting books in town would definitely be more convenient, though. I figure between Page One, the two Caves, and ESLite (which I’ve never been to) we should be able to buy the books we need.

Sunday at 3? Where exactly? I don’t know downtown well enough to suggest a location.

PageOne has the best selection of english books in my opinion. I am not sure what you mean by “town” but there’s a PO in the 101 department store, and a coffee shop right outside.

I was contrasting getting books in town (Taipei) with buying them online. :slight_smile:

Why don’t we all meet at the coffee shop near Page One on Sunday at 3, then? If that doesn’t work, whatever, I’m free all day Sunday, so feel free to propose a different time.

I was contrasting getting books in town (Taipei) with buying them online. :slight_smile:

Why don’t we all meet at the coffee shop near Page One on Sunday at 3, then? If that doesn’t work, whatever, I’m free all day Sunday, so feel free to propose a different time. [/quote]

Any time sunday is good for me. We should probably exchange phone #s by pm.

Tianfu and Beautiful Spam and anyone else who might be interested - yes, 3 o’clock Sunday at the coffee shop near PO in 101 is fine by me. Why not put it in the calendar: it might attract people who haven’t read the messages? The more the merrier !!

How will we recognize each other?

I’ll be the foreign guy :sunglasses:

I might pop in for a little while although you might find some Games Clubbers who are avid readers might find an earlier time to be more convenient (and then you could join us at the Witch House for a bit of gaming).

Would definitely like to join your travel through classics reading group to be. May not be able to come on Sunday, but let me know where you are meeting nonetheless. :slight_smile:

Well, if there are game clubbers that are interested in coming, I’m sure we can change the time.

I’m open to other times, but I vote to keep it 3 o’clock at least this time just because we’ve all agreed already.

I’ll be the other foreign guy. Everyone tells me I’m too thin.

Let’s stick to the original time at least for this meeting and if people are late I don’t think it will really matter. As I said before the more the merrier. Perhaps to help with identification Tianfu you could have a small sign saying ‘Reading Group’ on the table ? Looking forward to finding you all there.

Ok, I’ll bring a little sign. See you all there!

Sorry I missed you guys today. I got there half an hour late and I didn’t see any signs or anythign that looked like a reading group. Has a book been chosen yet?