Hi everyone, I’m new here and will be pestering you all with various questions like “Where can I buy a cable that connects my MacBook to the TV?” and “Where can I buy pecans and corn syrup?”. Yeah, yeah, I know I need to do some research. At least I figured out how to install ADSL and wtf 1M, 2M, and 10M are.
BUT the most urgent order of business is – Any hope or catching any NCAA tournament games here on TV (and not in a sports bar)? Besides the Final Four on ESPN?
Go to Mediazone.com. They have a lot of sport that can either be streamed real time or down loaded later. Prices seem reasonable. quality not bad either
Bar owners and SAT TV Jim, which Satellite system has the NCAA tourney? In the USA which channel is braodcasting the early games?
I checked the 4 sports channels I have on my Dream Sat TV system and no NCAA Hoops, likewise on Taiwan Cable Sports. Do I have to wait for the final four, at least the Sweet 16 games should be broadcast no?
Help me please, I got the symptoms (Of the Madness), my Uni is into the second round and I can’t read enough articles about the NCAA now. I need live games!