I have a bunch of LP’s and 7 inches I want to bring back to Taiwan from the states. Does anybody know where I could pick up a record player to play these? Thanks.
I saw a few high end ones at the 24 hour Eslite close to Fuxing (not Xinyi), IIRC they could be plugged into your computer via USB.
It got my mind a-wondering about bringing over part of my record collection but I decided against it.
If high-end is too expensive try here: dodgy complex
(And record player with USB!? - That ain’t audiophile …)
Thats why I say IIRC, it was a few weeks ago. Maybe it ain’t audiophile but its better than sitting around trying to get a sound out of your vinyl with your mother’s knitting needle
I noticed a record player or two in the area of Han Ko Street opposite Hsi Men Ding and further down the road towards the train station direction, there is the place to look with countless stereo, T.V., DVD and camera shops, you won’t fail to find what you’re looking for around there I feel.
Cool. Thank you guys. Do you have any idea of what the prices may be? Anyone ever bought one before? I’ll try those locations when I get back.
mmmm… fresh fruit for rotting vegetables.
mmmm… plastic surgery disasters.
they were pretty good live too.
personally, i recorded all my records onto hard disk years ago, then sold them and gave the record player away. i could borrow it back again for you, but its a long swim.
Check out this store:
Treasure Hunt Flea House
It’s a sweet 2nd hand shop my wife and I found while we were walking around Taipei one day.
I checked out this website and found this:
It’s an old school record player…if you only need it to listen to old records…it’s perfect.
check haskellco.org/gemini/home.htm Any of the dealers listed on the site will have or can get record players.
Eslite is a bit expensive (Zhongxiao-Dunhua you mean, not Fuxing, I suppose).
But those are not ‘high end’ I think. They’re portables. Vestax Handy Trax. You can try to find them cheap on Yahoo, but find a trader in Taiwan (it will be in Chinese, so you might need help if you cannot read).
Search Vestax portable or Vestax handy trax.
There is an audiophile shop, (lps & players) on Chung Hsiao E. Rd Sec.5, close to the Yungchin (one past City Hall) MRT, on the south side of Chung Hsiao, between Songxin and Sonshan Rds. No idea about price, just saw them through the window. Good luck.
I just remembered there is a Hifi-Show in August, probably the best place to find products and/or dealers:
[quote]TAA臺灣第十七屆國際Hi-End Hi-Fi音響大展
展出日期:2007 8/24~27 共四天
8月24、25日 10:00 ~ 19:00 (10AM ~ 7PM)
8月26、27日 10:00 ~ 18:00 (10AM ~ 6PM)
Grand Hotel[/quote]
That’s awesome that I’ll be able to bring them all back then. Thanks for all the tips. I won’t be back in August unfortunately but it sounds like there are plenty of places to find one.
Urodocus: Definitely bringing my DK LP’s but I never got to see them live ya bastard!
I’m an old bastard now.