Record Your Dating Faux Pas

As the title suggests, this is a thread to document any dating errors that you once found embarrassing but can now look back on and chuckle.

Alternatively, if you still find the event cringe worthy, please share it anyway. We all love to laugh! :roflmao:

I’ll go first…

A few nights ago I was out on a date with a lovely lady. We were on my scooter and she seemed very relaxed, arms around my waist etc. We stopped off somewhere, and as we were leaving again and she was getting on the scooter, I inadvertently farted. :doh:

I told myself she probably didn’t hear it but the folded arms and body language suggested otherwise lol. Anyway, like a true problem solver I opted to pretend it never happened.

I must have done something right because the evening ended well, but still, not the best thing to happen when you’re trying to be gentleman like!

Anyone else?

When my husband and i started dating, he didn’t get me a Christmas present! I was so mad and he was confused and said "I’m not Santa clause ". I made him buy me a jacket that week.
I learned that the taiwanese dont celebrate Christmas the same way Canadians did.
I still have that jacket.