Registering for local school

Registration for public KG “附幼” is in May. Not every public elementary has one, so spaces are limited. The ones that don’t get in need to consider private kinder. So a few 里/neighborhoods might feed into one 附幼, and once they grad from that KG, they move back into their neighborhood elementary school.

Priorities for admission into public kinder are given to:
-low income families
-aboriginal families
-children with disabilities
-foreign families (big range there, but if your child is on arc, they get priority)
-siblings at that school
-child is a multiple
-returning students

Once all priorities are registered, the week after they hold regular registration. After that, if there are spaces left, they do draws.

If the school year has started, they are best off contacting the kindergarten. Maybe there is a space left.

Just to add, with ARC, easy peasy to register as a foreign national. You just don’t get the government subsidy, which is a few thousands per semester. Still, one semester of public kg is 10k. One semester of private kg was over 100k.

Edit: one semester for public k is 21,000 NT. I was just given a bill for a extra 12,000 on top of the 9,000 I had paid at the beginning of the school year. This is because we are foreigners and are not eligible for any govt subsidy.

Thanks Scomargo and 914. These are brand new arrivals, no ARC yet even. I’ll get them up to sped and start talking to the kindergarten directors.

Haven’t seen Petrichor on the boards in a long time.

Still dropping in to read from time to time. Just very busy at the moment. :slight_smile: I don’t have anything extra to add to what 914 and Scomargo have said. Public kindergarten places are very limited from what I understand.

well this is a long dormant thread and I have the same issue but this thread doesn’t provide an answer.

anyway, I am looking to get my daughter registered at a local daycare (she’s less than 2 years old). The problem is the household registration. We all live together in one district of Taipei, but the mother’s household registration is for a district of New Taipei and she works in a different district of Taipei from where we all live together. It would be incredibly inconvenient to shlep our daughter out to New Taipei for daycare and we are trying to figure out how to get a household registration for either the district we live in or in the district where the mother works. as for where we live, the landlord has been evasive about our request for HHR, hasn’t said no explicitly but just ignores the requests so far. I will have to try to get an answer. So what do we do if the landlord says no? Also, how could we get a HHR for the district where the mother works if that ends up being the most convenient location for our daughter’s daycare?

Is the missus Taiwanese?
Have her start calling schools in your district.
From what I remember/know, considering low birth rate, many schools are seeing shrinking student population and so are accepting out of district students. Just need to do some phone legwork to find a school with dropping enrollment.

yes she is.

We live in a district/area where there are a lot of kids, so I’m not sure if that’ll be possible, or if we’d want to send her to one desperate for kids. also, I don’t remember (or even really understand) the different levels of kindergarten. Since our daughter is under 2, it would be daycare. and her birthday is not long after the Sept. 1 cut off, so we wouldn’t be able to enter her in the lowest level of kindergarten (yo-yo-ban?) until after September of next year.

Well, for daycare may have to go the private route.
Either way, looks like your wife (like my Taiwan wife did) will have to start googling, FB’ing, etc. unless someone here has exact solution, which is unlikely.

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we’re trying to go for whichever one is subsidized by the government.

In my experience that is not the case for public kindergarten: those are still hard to get into in most places, even for those who have local household registration. Oh just noticed this is not even kindergarten age - less than 2 - lol.

my daughter is a dual passport holder so is there any way to use that to our advantage? but then I’m not sure if she’d be able to get the subsidy money from the government for daycare/kindergarten.

Foreigners are at the back of the que now, rather than at the front. So that would most likely be a no.

why is that? are they just like “why can’t you go to the American School?”

There are regulations about who gets preference when there are limited public school spaces, they refer to age, household registration, the lottery etc. I don’t think the regulations refer to the American School :wink:

turns out that the landlord is agreeable to letting us use our residence for the household registration. now we need to get on the same page about when to send our daughter to daycare.