Reliable and Certified Plastic Surgeon

I am living in TaoYuan and I am looking for a certified / reliable plastic surgeon (anywhere in Taiwan). I have recently lost 80 pounds and looking to have a radical belt lipectomy. It is a very serious surgery, that is practiced alot in the states. I am not looking for one of those “ladies face lift / botox injecting” operations I see on just about every main street of Taipei.

Does anyone know firsthand of any such places and their reliability. I know Thailand has some but the recoop time is 4-6 weeks and I can’t stay in a hotel that long.

Thanks for any and all serious responses.

Try I had my eyebags done by him, he trained in the US, speaks good English and has done excellent work on some of my friends.
He does all types of cosmetic stuff.
There are many butchers around, he’s not one of them!!!

I think it would be foolish to have any of that work done here. I mean, do you want Taiwanese medical quality done for a major surgery?
Nearby we have Thailand’s Bumrungrad. It is one of the worlds most reputed cosmetic surgery destinations and I have seen some amazing work come out of there (even on some local and American celebrities I have worked with). It is also quite inexpensive.

How much for a balloon in the stomach? Not that I’m that fat, I just hate eating.

And you really think specialist in Taiwan suck SAF?

My autoimmune Doc was one of a handful in Taiwan and he was great.