🗳 Remember to register to vote!

To those who can: Do it — Democracy only works when we participate.

And that’s literally all I have to say about that.



Locked and loaded…even though my Republican vote will have zero effect in California. :sleepy:


If I don’t vote I get fined 50 dollarydoos :slight_smile:

Is it Democracy or the idea of Democracy?

State side, this should be more funner than '16.

Vote Democrat!

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My republican vote will also mean nothing in Texas…hmmm :thinking:

Funny I used to say that about my Democrat vote in Texas.


Whatever you do don’t vote for Ted Cruz. Pretty sure he’s the Zodiac Killer… :thinking:

I’m going to have to abstain this election. I needed a address to vote from overseas. Just moved.

If there were any reasonable Democrats running, I would. Unfortunately, the only choices are left wing loony and left wing loonier.

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That’s why many Republican voters like to live in Taiwan!

The illusion of democracy…?

No, healthcare and tolerance.