Taiwan, let’s face it, the name has been done and lacks pazazz. Let’s get to work on a renaming campaign for Taiwan. The whole “made in Taiwan” thing detracts from the islands image, let’s change that shall we.
If Taiwan is going to change it’s name from the R.O.C to something else let’s make it a good name, something that will really put this place on the map.
Formosa - it’s been done
Taiwan - the name has been ruined by years of making crappy toys.
[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]
“Bob” - short and snappy[/quote]
“Bob” - I can see the travel brochures now. “Come, have a great time on Bob!”
“Bob - value for money”
“Tired, go to Kenting and lie down on Bob”
Perhaps “Bobbie” would be better. It’s cute and we’d probably get more blonde California beach babes arriving here with a name like “Bobbie” or “Barbie”. Taiwan has a shortage of foreign babes, am I right? How do we attract this neglected portion of the market?
Just to avoid confusion another new name for the Island could be “Not China”. That could be good for one airline - “Not China Airlines”. “What airline do you want to fly?” “Not China Airlines”, and so with a little tricky advertising “Not China Airlines” formerly “China Airlines” gets a truck load of new passengers.
I was going to suggest this but then thought it might zip right by our Teutonic friends and the thread degenerate into Erewhoner vs Erewhonese. (sigh) Best intentions and all that…
I think they should sell naming rights to the highest bidder–you know, like sports stadiums do in the U.S…? So we could end up with a Coca-Colastan, or a Banana Republic.