Rename the island

Anybody know?[/quote]


Anybody know?[/quote]


I’m pretty sure, but maybe I’m wrong, that during the stone age Taiwan was simply refered to as “Uhg” and the locals were called “huh”.


From a manufacturing perspective we need something that will look good before the standard “Made in …”. Bob doesn’t quite do it, “Made in Technoland”, not catchy enough. “Made in We used to make crap but we’re better now” = Too long.

Any takers?

bassman, it’s pizzaz or pizazz or pizzzzzaaaaaa, but at any rate there is an EYE and an AYE in there, not PAZAZZ. probably just a typo, but just in case, FYI…

Maybe call this island country state soverign piece of real estate: PIZZA

Greenland. Those guys in the North Atlantic will just have to find something else.

How about the Rep. of We’re Fucked.

alleycat, as a Pressy Advie now, i heartily recommend and like your idea: “How about the Rep. of We’re Fucked.” It’s so TRUE!


Rowf, Rowf!

[quote=“formosa”]bassman, it’s pizzaz or pizazz or pizzzzzaaaaaa, but at any rate there is an EYE and an AYE in there, not PAZAZZ. probably just a typo, but just in case, FYI…

Maybe call this island country state soverign piece of real estate: PIZZA[/quote]

You type it how you type it and I’ll type it how I type it buddy. Where I come from it’s “Pa” not “Pi” and there won’t be anymore discussion entered into, got it.

Just kidding, well, half kidding.

Leave me alone

Taiwan should become a colony of Wales, and can have that stupid name they invented for the town in Anglesey:


[quote=“tmwc”]Taiwan should become a colony of Wales, and can have that stupid name they invented for the town in Anglesey:


Now that will look great on the front of a passport. :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Nice one!

Anybody know?[/quote]

The answer is here.

The aboriginal people that were here before others called it Pakan then it was called “Ilha Formosa” for 400 years. The Dutch called the penisula with their fort “Tayouan” which means terrace bay and that word became Taiwan and referred later to the whole island.

Interesting read check it out and check out other interesting Taiwan history articles here