Reports of more UFO sightings grip China

Man claims sex with Alien - Wife not upset!

[quote]Meng Zhaoguo, a rural worker from northeast China’s Wuchang city, says he was 29 years old when he broke his marital vows for the first and only time – with a female extraterrestrial of unusually robust build.

“She was three meters (10 feet) tall and had six fingers, but otherwise she looked completely like a human,” he says of his close encounter with an alien species. “I told my wife all about it afterwards. She wasn’t too angry.”[/quote]

Now there’s a unique way to confess and get it off your chest.

She either will think your playing a huge joke on her and not believe you.

think your nuts and not believe you.

Believe you, and if she’s nuts enough to believe that then she’s probably not going too nuts to worry.

:loco: :loco: :loco:

PS I think it’s amazing how few animal species on earth have any real resemblence to us humans and yet beings from other planets are almost identical.