Retaking the mainland?

According to today’s Taipei Times (“Army still trying to get its Humvee plan off the ground”) the military is interested in being able to drop vehicles from C130s.


Can anyone envision a scenario where Taiwan needs to do that, save for retaking the mainland? I thought Taiwan had renounced that kind of thing. If an island eg Kinmen is beseiged, dropping a few Humvees won’t help. And on “mainland Taiwan” there are plenty of roads - if the PLA cut every road between the western coast and the mountains, the game would be over, airdrops or not.

So perhaps they are still training to retake the mainland.

Haven’t you ever wanted to throw a car out of a plane ? You’ve got to try it !! Makes a helluva crash :laughing:

Taking the mainland in humvees dropped from C-130’s? hehehe.

Fast response to an initial landing/paradrop/airlift would be crucial.

There might be denfensive situations that would require a ground presence on the mainland, such as attacking the enemy’s ability to wage war in Taiwan.

[quote=“daltongang”]Taking the mainland in humvees dropped from C-130’s? hehehe.

Fast response to an initial landing/paradrop/airlift would be crucial.[/quote]

I know a few Taiwanese “soldiers’” and the idea of them fighting for anything is laughable!

[quote=“Soddom”][quote=“daltongang”]Taking the mainland in humvees dropped from C-130’s? hehehe.

Fast response to an initial landing/paradrop/airlift would be crucial.[/quote]

I know a few Taiwanese “soldiers’” and the idea of them fighting for anything is laughable![/quote]

We’ll have to see about that but not preparing would be wrong.