Retire in Taiwan on million dollars, interesting story

I’ve been following their story for a while now, and think they’ve got more than a sufficient margin of safety in their numbers to never have to work again in their lifetime.

I too am following their path and looking forward to retirement in Taiwan.

The original forbes article is alot better than the yahoo article: … the-world/

To be honest, the guy was also quite lucky. To have lost 400K in the financial crisis he must’ve had quite a bit of it invested already. Most likely he was able to buy Motorola and Microsoft stocks cheaply on ESPP and thus padded his account.

he was on a big wage at a young age, no mystery, fortunately US stock market has boomed again.

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Not really a fair number. 60,000 can get you 25-28 ping, but so can 25,000. It’s a question of where you’re living, even in Taipei, and what standard of living you demand. If you move out of the city, let’s say to Sanzhi or Jinshan, you can do a lot with just over 10,000. And besides, if you’re retiring, why live in the big city? Find a nice countryside home.[/quote]

countryside sounds nice but what about getting around and healthcare? getting older means it’s harder to drive. i don’t think you’d want to drive a scooter at 85. plus if you have weak to no Chinese skills, then communication may be an issue. I’ve found the big hospitals in Taipei are fairly good. can you find something similar out in