Returnable Cans and Bottles

Can bottles and cans be brought back to say 7-11 for a deposit?

If not, where can they be taken to, or have the old ladies and barefooty guys on enormous tricycles cornered the market?

JD…if you need any help with the finances…just pm me. It doesn’t have to come to this.

I’ve wondered about this for a long time too.
I accumulate a huge bag of bottles/cans in my house before dragging them outside.
Can I be getting money for them?

you used to be able to get 1-2 NT for water bottles at convenience stores. beer bottles like taiwan draft (even i cant find it anymore) also had a deposit if brought back to TTL.

haven’t looked into it recently, but there must be some kind of market, or people wouldn’t be grabbing your water bottle out of your hand before you finish it to toss it into their cart …

xtrain wrote:

What’s that?

Thanks, I will. :sunglasses:

But this is more for the boy. I’m getting sick of “Buy me this and buy me that” basically because I usually end up buying it. :unamused:

The boy needs a lesson in entrepreneurship. The old man used to collect cans and bottles for return, and by god, so can he.

Yes, beer bottles can be brought back.

We are here talking about the glass bottles from:

  1. Taiwan Beer
  2. Tsingtao beer
  3. Taiwan longchuan beer.

If they have the information printed onto them, 7-11 will take them back.

Botle recycling should make sense for the breweries, actually. In denmark, the racycling ratio is 97% for glass bottles.

Thanks Mr He.

What about the regular recycling stuff? Can Joe Blow on the street bring recyclable cans and bottles back to the recycling place or is that out of the question?

[quote=“xtrain”]you used to be able to get 1-2 NT for water bottles at convenience stores. beer bottles like taiwan draft (even i cant find it anymore) also had a deposit if brought back to TTL.

haven’t looked into it recently, but there must be some kind of market, or people wouldn’t be grabbing your water bottle out of your hand before you finish it to toss it into their cart …

xtrain wrote:

What’s that?[/quote]

i have a question - who’s messing with my post? i’m guessing jdsmith/mod wanted to hit reply and hit edit instead? (choose you as you are the OP).

TTL = taiwan tobacco and liquor, afaik.

[quote=“xtrain”][quote=“xtrain”]you used to be able to get 1-2 NT for water bottles at convenience stores. beer bottles like taiwan draft (even i cant find it anymore) also had a deposit if brought back to TTL.

haven’t looked into it recently, but there must be some kind of market, or people wouldn’t be grabbing your water bottle out of your hand before you finish it to toss it into their cart …

xtrain wrote:

What’s that?[/quote]

i have a question - who’s messing with my post? i’m guessing jdsmith/mod wanted to hit reply and hit edit instead? (choose you as you are the OP).

TTL = taiwan tobacco and liquor, afaik.[/quote]

Sorry xtrain! :blush:

You’re right, I accidentallt hit “edit” and not “quote” in your post!
Residual spammod powers!


'sno problem. just don’t forget me when you and the boy get rich from all those bottles …

xtrain, it just looks like you’re pre-empting the question. Good foresight on your part.

Careful, JD. When my dad told me to do recycling to make money I recycled all his Playboys. I acted like it was an innocent mistake. Naw. I was just pissed about having to drag all that stuff all that way to make a couple bucks.

JD wrote [quote]What about the regular recycling stuff? Can Joe Blow on the street bring recyclable cans and bottles back to the recycling place or is that out of the question?[/quote]

You own a school but are wondering if you can get a few extra bucks for your garbage? :astonished: Just give it to the old people on the cool tricycles; they need the money more than we do, and they do a great job keeping the streets clean. Their faces light up when they see me - I must be the local patron saint of recyclers! Sometimes I give them full cans and they are very grateful.

Well, you lot are lucky if all you had to do was to collect cans and bottles for pocket money, I lived on a horse ranch as a kid and the only way my old man would pay me my allowance was if I cleaned horse crap… not fun at all at the age of 12… to be honest, the crap wasn’t the bad part, the piss on the other hand… phew… :sick: :snivel:

I have those cans and bottles to the recycling place .
And the money to the students who cant pay themsleves lunch at school.
Now we have three or four volunteers.