River Rafting How?

hi, i’m kenny from singapore and i’m planning a trip to taiwan. i want to try river rafting. who can i contact to help me organise? or are there any organisation that plan such trip that i can help to ask for more information?

Please help me out! =D

Just ask the hotel to get you in touch with the river rafters when you are staying in Hualian. Its a common activity there. Should be very easy to organize from your hotel in HUALIAN. Chances are the hotel you are staying in sells the package right there.

The Laonong river is also OK. It’s down in Maolin, outside Gaoxiong.

Yes, and on the ‘convenient’ side of the island…

Most of the rafting on the Lanong is done further upstream at Bao-lai. Now is prime-time; best to avoid winter/spring when the water is too low and most operators shut up shop.

Adventures in Southern Taiwan

Yes, and on the ‘convenient’ side of the island…

Most of the rafting on the Lanong is done further upstream at Bao-lai. Now is prime-time; best to avoid winter/spring when the water is too low and most operators shut up shop.

Adventures in Southern Taiwan[/quote]

Then again, you can take a train to Rueisui where the rafting starts on the east coast, buy a ticket at the Family Mart outside the train station (yes, you can) and walk 2km to the rafting centre where it all begins. There’s even a nice campsite there and a couple B&Bs along the way.

But the Laonong is better.

Interesting that both the major centres for rafting in Taiwan also have hot springs right there.