Greetings Fellow Floydians!
Last night I took Highway Starlet to see the great man himself, Roger Waters. Brilliant show, and one of the best 3 hours of entertainment I have seen in a while. Managed to catch a few bits of phone vid, but the quality wasnt so good. I did get a decent shot of the giant flying pig when it flew directly in front of us. During ‘Shine On’, there were images of Syd Barrett on the 3 storey screen and it was a poignant moment indeed. The first set had a bunch of old faves including some of the old, the Wall etc, The second set was the entire ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ album followed by an encore which finished with ‘Comfortably Numb’.The only thing that disappointed me was that, unlike my early days of Floyd discovery, was that I didn’t smoke a single joint!
Not that OI needed it, this show kicked some serious ass!!
With much love and best wishes from Sunny Australia!!
Highway Star, Starlet & Twinkle
Shut up. Just shut up. You utter, utter, utter bastard. Do you have any idea how jealous I am right now? Bastard.
You lucky lucky bastard. I last saw Floyd 12 years ago in London. I would love to see Waters. Absolutly no chnace of him coming here the best we’re gonna get the Boyzone!!
My boss lives in Perth, and he’s making a stopover there as well. Of course, the boss man had to call me and rub it in… :fume:
Glad you enjoyed the show…
Isn’t he in Shanghai & Hong Kong next week?
I am mulling over making the jaunt.
He’s an outstanding entertainer, yet not sure if i want to fork out so much cash on such a short notice excursion.
I loved Roger Waters / Pink Floyd since I can remember and I still got all the LP’s / cassettes / CD (only much later) I bought through the years.
B E A U T I F U L music.
The B E S T … as in E V E R.