Roots of Mah Jong / Ma Jiang? History

Two questions about Ma Joang history:

  1. Ma Jiang 麻将 supposedly developed from earlier card games.

One I read about is Ma Diao - 马吊 of the Ming Dynasty.

Furthermore there seems to have been another card game during the Sund Dynasty - Ya Pei? Or Ya Pai? (Spare me Yuppie and Yazee wordplays, okay :wink: ).

How is this Ya Pei written in Chinese characters? Did not find anything myself.

  1. Ma Jiang is sometimes referred to as the “Game of 100 Intelligences”. But also for this I could find neither a Chinese translation or source.

Does anyone know if this was actually a term coined in China? Or was it rather some sales slogan / advertisement during the Mah Jong craze in the U.S. during the 1920s?

Thanks in advance.

Found this site not too long ago.

Already visited that one. Extensive, but did not find the answer to my two questions.

On another note Miltownkid … did you meet with madcow and have a look at Path of Glory meanwhile?

did you post it on his board? if anyone can answer it it’s that guy.

you guys play on line at all? was playing a lot a while ago but have been consumed by online poker these days. my game was getting a bit better but it was still humbling

[quote=“Tempo Gain”]did you post it on his board? if anyone can answer it it’s that guy.

you guys play on line at all? was playing a lot a while ago but have been consumed by online poker these days. my game was getting a bit better but it was still humbling[/quote]
Where on-line or using which program? I bought one program but it kind of sucks.

i was playing this one:

all free, “chinese classical” style, different in that losing hands get points as well.