Anyone else tired of this constant farting about with flags and emblems and other irrelevant nonsense whilst the country goes to the dogs?
It’s pathetic. Taiwan is currently being run like a sixth form business studies project.
Anyone else tired of this constant farting about with flags and emblems and other irrelevant nonsense whilst the country goes to the dogs?
It’s pathetic. Taiwan is currently being run like a sixth form business studies project.
You’re right, Hex – things ARE improving slightly, aren’t they.
Just encourage your friends to vote that DPP LY majority into being and give them a chance to do the job unhindered.
I think everyone should vote DPP just for a laugh. I mean how much worse could they be ? And I love watching the KMT heckle.
Let’s hope that thing about the length of the spikes on the star Sun Yat Sen drew when he was a kid gets sorted out, though. I just know that’s going to keep me up again tonight.
Meanwhile, in other news…
I think it would be interesting to see what happened if the DPP/TSU did win a majority in the LY elections. We’d have the chance to see if CSB really meant what he said when it comes to improving human rights in Taiwan, reform, stamping out corruption, etc. We’ll also see how far he’s willing to push Taiwan to the brink of war. But in all seriousness, I think they should at least be given a shot. The KMT is just preventing anything from getting done at all … better to do something rather than nothing, and if CSB tries to push too far, there’s always the US to tell him to back off.
whilst I have it on the strictest confidence from his mother that ChenShuiBian is a first rate pillock who has extreme difficulty reading the map he needs to tell his arse from his elbow… it would be interesting to see how much of his money he could put where his mouth is in terms of taking tangible steps in the right direction just like LBTW wrote above…
only problem is i get the feeling the daft little bugger has aspirations of being just like xiao-bush-y and being a “war president”… :loco:
whilst I have it on the strictest confidence from his mother that ChenShuiBian is a first rate pillock who has extreme difficulty reading the map he needs to tell his arse from his elbow… it would be interesting to see how much of his money he could put where his mouth is in terms of taking tangible steps in the right direction just like LBTW wrote above…
only problem is I get the feeling the daft little bugger has aspirations of being just like xiao-Bush-y and being a “war president”… :loco:[/quote]
Lets play “Pick the Foreigner Married to a Local KMT supporter”…
Why is it that anyone who doesn’t like or agree with CSB or the pan-Green camp is automatically labelled as a KMT supporter? I’m sure (like myself) there are many out there who don’t like either party. Grow up. :raspberry:
Why is it that anyone who doesn’t like or agree with CSB or the pan-Green camp is automatically labelled as a KMT supporter? I’m sure (like myself) there are many out there who don’t like either party. Grow up. :raspberry:[/quote]
Oh god… it was a comment based on the ridiculous nature of pro-KMT folk in this thread that, whenever someone sdays something pro-green they are automatically tarred with a ‘married to/going out with a local’ brush.
Sorry to ruffle your feathers.
And where exactly would those quotes be?
Read your own post again. Show me the quotes in this thread that say what you are stating …
Ok, my apologies - wrong net jargon… I was wrong, shoot me. I didnt mean thread I meant the Taiwan Politics section of forumosa. Goddam… there are some tough folks round here.
I noticed your post on Run the Fucking Country (translated from British to American english by my BrianBabbleFish translator). I too have often wondered this. But then I came to see why and in a sense it is quite simple. First we must start with Brians Pet Theory of Taiwan History which states:
Modern day Taiwan is what the Qing Dynasty would have been if it had survived.
By this I mean that Taiwan really seems to have carried on, for better or worse, the culture, the mentality, the corruption, the educational system, the weak military, and everything else
I agree. And that’s pretty much what Bill Jenner says about the whole of China.
Isn’t it fun the way anyone who says anything bad about Lord God Almighty Chen Shui Bian gets labelled a KMT supporter? And if you say anything bad about Taiwan you’re a CCP supporter? Jesus. Good ole Joe McCarthy’s alive and well and living in Taiwan. Life’s simple on Forumosa innit? You’re either with the DPP or against it.
[quote=“hexuan”]I agree. And that’s pretty much what Bill Jenner says about the whole of China.
Isn’t it fun the way anyone who says anything bad about Lord God Almighty Chen Shuibian gets labelled a KMT supporter? And if you say anything bad about Taiwan you’re a CCP supporter? Jesus. Good ole Joe McCarthy’s alive and well and living in Taiwan. Life’s simple on Forumosa innit? You’re either with the DPP or against it.[/quote]
Even more surprising when some of the most vocal people aren’t even Taiwanese…
Like the way this whole thread gets floundered? Awesome. Whatever you do folks, don’t criticise the government’s failure to attend to the every day running of the country. That sort of chat is not allowed on Forumosa.
I would be prepared to bet that one of the most important issues in domestic politics at the moment is the amount of government and opposition time spent on frippery unrelated to effective government. But we won’t be talking about it here. Oh no. :loco:
[quote=“hexuan”]Like the way this whole thread gets floundered? Awesome. Whatever you do folks, don’t criticise the government’s failure to attend to the every day running of the country. That sort of chat is not allowed on Forumosa.
I would be prepared to bet that one of the most important issues in domestic politics at the moment is the amount of government and opposition time spent on frippery unrelated to effective government. But we won’t be talking about it here. Oh no. :loco:[/quote]
Amen. :bravo:
Looks like Forumosa is starting to follow Teashit’s example. I’m gone, and so is the contribution I was about to make.
Breathe easy… I’ll take this into the Open Forum. Where was it originally?
I floundered the thread because it was mostly childish bickering and the topic is covered in at least two other places. I thought the subject might go somewhere that would distinguish it from other, established ones, but instead it just became a puerile pissing contest.
Don’t jump to conclusions in my moderating that I am biased. Ask anyone who knows me; it is the rules that I follow, not the politics.
I am very serious when I say I have no time for fools who start threads the topic of which is already in existence and which eventually are steered into one of the five “common Taiwan political discussions.”
LittleBuddhaTW wrote:
God, you’re breaking my heart! If you have the large brain that you seem to think you have, take a cyber breath and look at the bigger picture. No one is picking on you or your right to post.
In the end, I take responsibility for not zapping this thread the instant it was created because it had no substance. For that I apologize.
Carry on.