Sad nose 👃

The mucosa of my nosa has been irritated for weeks now. One or both nostrils are always dry and painful, and blowing my nose yields a bit of blood every time. I swab it with Vaseline regularly to try to keep it moisturized, but it keeps reverting back to a sad crusty state.

It doesn’t feel like a serious enough problem to go to the doctor about, but it’s extremely annoying. You’d think I’ve been doing lines for years or something, when I’ve only ever been good to my nose.

Does anyone have a solution before I give up and see the ENT? Also, does this happen to anyone else? I think it might be too much AC or dehumiddy on my part…

Don’t be a fucking goof, just go see the Dr.


Maybe a humidifier will help. Also try antihistamines.

But I would go to see the doctor, i’ve heard of untreated symptoms causing loss of smell.

Ok, ok. Now I’m scared. I’ll see the ENT in my neighborhood when I get off work.

I never had this problem in the past, even in cold and dry climates. At the risk of summoning Gain, would the pollution have anything to do with it?

Yes. Air pollution has a lot of irritants.

Ugh, lame.

I wish there was a 枇杷膏 for my nosey.

Could be menopause :idunno:


I know a lot of people blame AC for dry air in Taiwan. But my theory is it’s actually indoor pollution causing symptoms of dry air. Taiwan is so humid, everything molds, I don;t see AC causing it to be so dry at all.

Can’t be, I’ve been spayed. Was getting too much attention from the neighborhood dogs otherwise.


If you run a cheap heater it’ll dry the air. I’ve had the same issue but if I turn off the heater it stops. Also try eating really spicy food, it’ll get the nose running.

I’ve had the same problems for years in and off. I think it’s allergies, take anti histamines everyday. Careful about your bedding, pillows,clothes etc.
Those symptoms get worse in cold weather sometimes. They can be exacerbated by colds obviously.
The docs can give you a nasal spray which opens up the nasal passages.

It can get worse you can get nasal drip, red eyes…You have the mild stuff. :grin:

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You can get Allegra OTC here. Only 50nt for a strip of 10.

Someone was just telling me about seawater based sprays available at your local pharmacy yesterday. Not sure if applicable. I’d see your local ENT doc

My nose has become a little stuffy in the last 2 weeks but not really significant like a cold or flu or something. Very small.

I’m attributing it to a change in weather but really not sure. Haven’t changed anything at home like heating or air-conditioning.

Well, my nose isn’t congested. It’s just really dry. I do have some Claritin on hand I could try.

I used an OTC saline spray for a bit, which felt nice but didn’t seem to do much for the problem in the long term.

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If it’s dry it’ll congest since any mucal discharge solidifies before it can reach the surface.