Salt'n'Vinegar Chips - where can they be found?

The AFL football final approaches… and I need to find a place in Taipei that sells salt’n’vinegar chips.

Any tips?

C’arn The Lions… :wink:

Big Babou, make your own – salt and chips in a ziploc bag, spray them with a mister full of vinegar, then shake gently. Add a bit of garlic powder for some zing.

Good idea!

But i’ve only got balsamic, is that ok?

I’m also a little worried they’re gonna be soggy, and look a little “off”.

How well did it work for you?

TESCO in Taoyuan has 'em. They are Lays brand. My gf is hooked. Bought 2 large bags yesterday.

[quote=“The Big Babou”]Good idea!

But I’ve only got balsamic, is that ok?

I’m also a little worried they’re gonna be soggy, and look a little “off”.

How well did it work for you?[/quote]

Never tried it with balsamic, but it sounds like a good idea. How soggy they get depends, of course, on how much vinegar you use. But if you just mist them a few times, it’s not a problem.

The “Western food” shops in Tienmu carry them, as does the Carrefoure up that way.
If you want to make dip or stuff, just check that Internet thing. There’s plenty of stuff to try.

Big Babou

Where are you planning on catching the game? I’m a rugby fan myself but I just heard Collingwood have another go at losing … . . no, no no. I mean winning . . finally!!

I’ll probably pop over to the Brass Monkey but I’d love to convince Max to: (a) have the Roy & HG call playing simultaneously; and (b) get some salt and vinegar chips.

On a similar thread a mate in Taichung tells me there’s an Aussie chap in Taichung(don’t mess with my perfectly correct usage) that makes pies . . like real meat pies! Apparently he delivers to Taipei but sadly my mate’s out of town and I have yet to find out where these mythical objects can be found. Think of it, a 4 and 20, a few coldies and the 'pies trouncing the cane toads!


(Edit: Duh! Should have noticed that little “carn the lions” under your initial post! :laughing: . . . surely its time for the pies’?)

Meat pies! Are you serious? Is he a back yard baker or the real deal? I’d love some pies for the coming winter. Looking forward to the Granny. Would love a decent game, that’s all I ask for. Fitting to see Nathan Buckley finally take charlie home though. Go Hawks :frowning:


I know I said the other night that I wasn’t interested in AFL but then I heard Collingwood were playing. Surely they have to win this time. I was previously a Fitzroy fan but I’ve got this thing about Melbourne teams seeking out warmer climates and poker machines.

The pies are the real deal apparently. The chap who makes them was a butcher in Australia and opened a shop in Taichung. Apparently the overheads were too great and he now makes them at home and delivers them to customers. I don’t really know where but my mate reckons he does runs to Taipei.

This mate of mine lives in Taichung and buys them off the chap directly. Sadly my link to the pie man told me this in a phone call a couple of weeks ago from the airport about to board a flight to Oz where he plans on chilling for a couple of months!

I will keep you posted.

Anybody down in the 'chung have any ideas? I could imagine Fingas being a possible outlet.


Meat pies!

You know, I was going to start a thread about this, but I thought there was no hope… hence, the s’n’v chips thread. Maybe Max can sus something out…

I actually have to work on Saturday, but I might be able to catch the 1st half at the Brass Monkey. Good idea about the Roy & HG call!!!


Pies?? Count me in.

Find this guy!


From Winopete

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]URGENT FLASH!!!

From Winopete

I found them today. Have they been around for a while??? :slight_smile: No idea what forum this should be on!

They’ve had them for a few weeks now. I’ve been enjoying them :smiley:

Those are the hotness (or saltiness I suppose).

They are yummy, but not enough vinegar. Buy two packs and get a free Hello Kitty magnet.

Yeah, they’ve been about for a few weeks, but I kept silent 'cause I don’t want all you bitches buying 'em before I get to 'em. :laughing:

I bought 'em tonight. I prefer ruffles(sp?) to Lays and hope they get the sense to produce sat and vinegar chips too.

I buy 'em, toss em, pollute the enviroment and decorate my fridge with Hello Kitty all in one transaction. Don’t forget the lottery receipt. That and Hello Kitty are all that I keep. The rest is relegated to your enviroment.
Enjoy the chemical pollutants while you can.