Salvation is by faith alone, but?

We believe Purgatory is where those of us who have chosen eternal life during our time on earth are purged of all sin before entering Heaven. Most people go thru Purgatory. Only those few who have lived truly virtuous lives go straight to Heaven when they die.

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I’m not even sure. Priest seems to tell me that my mom (who practices taiwanese folk religion) may one day be in heaven if she lived virtuous life and all that. I don’t think she was ever presented with the gospel at all.

Protestants however believes that if a person dies without knowing Christ, they go to hell forever.

On the other hand, some quakers seem to believe that when Jesus died for your sins, he died for everyone’s sins, however quaker belief seems very materialist at times (meaning nothing beyond the physical world exists), so I don’t know.


Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.
– Matthew 7:21


Can you further elaborate on that. Does that mean that not everyone who believes in Jesus goes to heaven ?

Did you read my whole post or just a few lines and jump to conclusions? My whole post was that once saved always saved is not fully supported in the Bible.

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So you believe that you can earn your way into heaven after death? Then Jesus’ sacrifice was for nothing?

The concept of purgatory sounds unpleasant. How does the sin get purged unless through fire? Like gold is refined in extreme heat, is that how your sins will. Be purged from you?

How does Catholicism explain this verse?
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Just curious, do people believe that there will be no society without the concept of an afterlife, any afterlife?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines purgatory as a “purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven ,” which is experienced by those “who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified” (CCC 1030)


That seems pretty reasonable to me. The more I hear about Catholism from outside my protestant circles the more I like it.


Did all the Jews prior to Jesus go to hell ?

“Salvation by faith alone” is such a nasty and pernicious belief. I don’t know how the people who believe this aren’t constantly rattled by the dreaded knowledge that everyone in the world who doesn’t believe this extremely unbelievable thing will go to Hell for eternity. Even if such people somehow don’t have any friends or family who they’re worried about, how psychopathic must they be to be content knowing they’ll go to Heaven for eternity simply for believing something while most people in the world today and throughout history will burn in Hell? I simply can’t wrap my head around this doctrine at all and all these happy kindly Evangelicals going around (and this is mostly an Evangelical belief) looking at everyone around them feeling perfectly fine that dandy that most of them are going to burn in Hell for not believing something that’s inherently unbelievable. It’s abhorrent.

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Again, faith in this case doesn’t mean belief. It means faithfulness or allegiance.

A good book that others have recommended is:

So what’s the difference in that to being allied a mafia king pin, or SS soldiers being loyal to the death to Hitler ?

There’s a chick tract that basically where believers in heaven is chastised by God because he failed to preach hard enough to his friends and they’re all in hell. It’s why evangelicals preach so hard, because they think they failed you if they didn’t.

Just so you know, Chick tracts are made by some extremely radical evangelicals who basically think rock n roll is from the devil, KJV bible is THE word of God, and that the Catholic church is the devil (they have many tract basically saying very bad things about the Catholic church, and for a long time I believed it. But the more I know about the Catholic church the more reasonable they seem).

Wait til you read what they think about D&D (it’s from the devil).

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It’s allegiance to Jesus Christ and no one else.

Jesus Christ the human manifestation of God , or Jesus Christ the son of God?


Your answer means both are right. You can’t be the son and God at the same time. Well only a clone can do that.
Jesus is God or Jesus is the son of God ? (But off topic) .

I thought it was a settled question, Jesus is one of the trinity, the father (God), the word (Jesus), and his spirit (the holy spirit).

As to why trinity, I believe this is one of the mystery of faith.

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You mean the one Martin Luther called “an epistle of straw”?

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