Sarah Palin quotes leading fascist in her acceptance speech

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]And for that reason I sure as shit don’t credit Palin with this, but rather “George W’s senior speech writer” Matthew Scully, who put it together.


You mean this guy?

[quote]Lopez: Is hunting immoral?

Scully: One thing I noticed, reading articles and books by sport hunters, is that they themselves are often uneasy about the things they do. And I hope Dominion will encourage more of that self-examination among the relatively few people — about five percent of Americans — with a taste for bloodsport. Hunting, if it can be justified at all, falls into the category of the necessary evil. When the aim is just the pleasure of stalking and killing, or the pride of a “trophy,” the necessity is absent and you have to ask yourself what’s left.[/quote]

Calling Obama obamessiah is very puerile.

If we say John McShitStain would we be just as mature?

Intolerance is douche-tastic.

I love Obamessiah and hate John McShitstain. Yeah I am totally growing up.

If this post gets deleted I will know some dempublican or repocratic was behind it.

Gosh this election makes America look like douche central. At least fight it over politics and economics you 'tards.

And yeah my opinion is my opinion. Suck it down.

[quote=“mike_rophonechecker”]Calling Obama obamessiah is very puerile.

If we say John McShitStain would we be just as mature?

Intolerance is douche-tastic.

Gosh this election makes America look like douche central. At least fight it over politics and economics you 'tards[/quote]


What does it say about the current ruling party if so many people are searching for a savior?