Saville Row, only in Taiwan

Hello Forumosans,

I know, I know. People have asked this question. And I looked through those posts; I think my situation might be a little different. Is anyone here enough of a suit-snob to know about quality construction and, based on that, make a recommendation on local tailors? I have a guy in Leeds that can get me some amazing fabric out of Yorkshire, so fabric’s not an issue, just construction. I know of guys in Vietnam, but I’d rather not fly to Saigon just to have some suits tailored up if I can get something fantastic done in Taiwan.

So in short, does anyone know of a great, Saville-Row-style bespoke tailor anywhere in Taiwan? I’ve got time on this one, I just want to get started on the search. I’m planning on being terribly picky. I want someone that can do a double-vented one-button cashmere tux with silk grosgrain lapels justice. Kna’amean?

Oh, and if you know of anyone like Jantzen, but in Taiwan, I’d be interested to hear about it. I’ve considered making the trip to Hong Kong just for his shirts, but if I don’t need to, let me know!
